(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 12:34

 I know I haven't done much with this site as of late...that's about to change. Spoilers below, my own opinions as well. Discussion is open, I know a lot of you will disagree.

They say first impressions are important but I'd have to say the same for last impressions.

On Wednesday we watched Chelsia walk out the door. I think most of my respect for her went with her.

Her comments to Adam about getting a backbone and then telling Sheila that she had been "rode hard and put away wet", while I may personally agree with the latter, served very little purpose. These are things she had said earlier in the week, she just wanted the live show viewers to hear it. Some people have referred to it as keeping her dignity, I call it acting like a sore loser.

Think back to last year. What do you remember about Dustin? For me, and many others, it's the jaw-drop as he found out that he had been evicted. What about Mike? He handed out flowers to the girls before he left, leaving the other houseguests wondering if he thought he was on "The Bachelor". I don't think these people would've really said much about Mike had he not done that. I don't think we would've either.

Go back even farther, to All Stars. We all remember Kaysar. It isn't because he was a good game player. It's because he was evicted THREE times. Twice on, or within a week, of his birthday. A lot of us remember Julie Chen after his final eviction, half heartedly wishing him a happy birthday after telling him that James had fucked over their alliance and joined forces with Chilltown. Then there was Howie who threw a little shit-fit at the door because he didn't want to leave, and he felt he'd been wronged. He threw Mike Boogie's hat across the room and got in his face, causing James, a former bodyguard, to have to step in between them. In the words of Mike Boogie he was "a real class act".

This brings me to my point: how you leave is how we remember you. Whether it's crying (Amanda, Jen) or irritated with the hand you were dealt (Parker). Whether it's with grace and integrity (Eric) or with your signature phrase printed right across your chest (Jessica).

So, Chelsia, the one who left with "dignity" and "went out with a bang", I'll remember you not as the fun, competitive player you were for the 7 weeks you were in the house, but as the girl who decided to make a tacky spectacle of herself because she wasn't getting what she wanted.

It sucks how much these people let you down.


Josh, who many people have said is taking a page from Dick's book, appears to also be taking one from Jen's.

Up against Sharon, whom he earlier called Mother Teresa because people liked her so much and therefore wouldn't vote her out, he's between a rock and a hard place. So, in an effort to save himself, he's been contemplating breaking food restriction all week.

Here's how this works, in theory: According to the rule book, if you break slop restriction you automatically get nominated the next week if you are already on the block and aren't evicted that same week. So, again in theory, if you break food restriction you could use your penalty nom to convince other houseguests to save you for another week, not only because you would automatically be nominated but also because you couldn't play in HOH or POV that week. Within that week you could try and convince people to save you, thus giving you what people in that house have so little of: time.

Here's what happened last year: Allison Grodner, the one who makes new rules up to follow her every whim, decided to give Jen a penalty vote instead. She couldn't make the argument she hoped to because she didn't have the leverage. And so that is why Jen went out on a 6-0 vote, when only five people were voting.

In all likelihood if Josh does this it'll bring about the same result as Jen had. Granted, Josh lost food privileges in a food comp whereas Jen lost hers in a veto comp, but the point is the same. The fact that he's been flirting with eviction since he put Allison's key up his ass means they'll probably show him no mercy.

It also means that I watched Josh crying over pizza and crossed my fingers that he didn't do anything stupid.

I love Josh, a lot, I just don't think he has a very long shelf life.

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