Jan 23, 2006 21:35
I had my biopsy today and I have good news and bad news. The good news is that my lungs are fine and it's all my airway's fault that I can't breathe. The bad news is that my airway is so messed up that they can't do what they wanted to do. Dr. Rutter is gonna do another bone graft. I had one last summer but it looks like they never did anything now. Dr. Rutter figured out that if you set the graft farther in it has a better chance of working and not being pushed back out. (which happend to my last one). There's alse a problem with my arytenoids. Arytenoids I think help mobilize you're vocal chords or somthing like that. The definition sucks. But mine are ethier in the way of my airway and that's why I have to work so hard to breathe or they're protecting me from aspirating. When you eaat/drink your vocal chords cover your airway and that's how food and drink goes to your stomach and not your lungs. Since one or both of my vocal chords are paralyzed they're not top notch for that job and my arytenoids maybe doing that for me. Unfourtunatly the only way to find out if get the surgery and if I can breathe better my arytenoids are protecting my airway and if I can't breathe better we need to do something about them. Dr. Rutter is a cool guy and I feel really confident that he can do a good job on my airway and do what he needs to do.
Anywho, I'm coming home tomorrw! I'm so happy I can't wait to be at home.