So, well, I've had a LJ forever that I used almost entirely for lurking communities and occasionally posting fanfiction - and I concluded I might as well go ahead and give this a shot, too. "This" being actually writing things on occasion. Possibly about me (once in awhile, in those moments I feel an arbitrary need to indulge myself a little and irritate others with excessive details about my entirely dull life), but more often than not about the fandoms I'm involved in. Linking to fanfiction I write, too, if I can ever get myself around to writing again. It's virtually the only fandom contribution I can make, aside from general fangirling, as anything remotely graphics-related is entirely, entirely beyond me. But I only have the utmost respect for those who have some measure of skill in that particular arena (or even those brave souls who attempt it - who venture in and end up lost somewhere in the midst of 'oh, look, I downloaded gimp' and 'what the fuck does the capital 'A' do?' -- or, uh, that might just be me).
In any case, hi, I go by Meridian, and I cannot even handle how excited I am about Glee being on tonight. And, well, considering the promos, I really think that's the only plausible reaction. ...hopefully it's awesome, then? I just. I can't handle it, I'm kind of dying.
Also, I'm a first-year college student - fourth day of classes, represent? - at UCLA and it was at least 111 degrees yesterday and I think I may have melted a little. That, at least, would explain my utter exhaustion today. No, but honestly: WHAT.
So, uh. Introduction post. Hey.