Jan 23, 2009 21:50
So I decided to walk to the downtown area today. I figured, what the heck...I have nothing better to do, so why drive? It's only 2 and a half miles! Well, it was fine until I had to cross this massive bridge. I knew I had to cross a bridge, but I guess I didn't think that it would be an issue until I was halfway across it and the max or a bus or something drove underneath it and made the bridge shake and then I looked down into the river where I realized I was pretty freaking high. Not to mention the cars that are whizzing past you at 60 mph making you not even feel safe on the "sidewalk". I seriously had a moment of panic and had to just stop and grip the side of the bridge. I'll bet people driving by thought I was having some sort of a seizure or attack. I managed to compose myself and get across the bridge, but seriously....never again. It was scary.
And then when I finally made it to downtown, my feet started to hurt. (Note to self: always wear socks with every type of shoe you have.) I ignored it and walked around for about an hour and a half hoping to stumble upon a job. No luck there. I did however have a man ask me for money and even after I said no, he told me I was cute. That was the highlight of my day. Sad, I know. I'll take any sort of compliment I can get right now! I mean, shit, I'm trying to make an effort to say hi to people in my building or that make eye contact with me walking down the street and I'm getting NOTHING. I mean, is there something in my teeth?!
Needless to say, after walking around for about 4 hours with no socks in my boots (They were pretty soft boots...I didn't think I'd need them!), I have horribly painful blisters on both my feet. Gross, I know.
And I think there's a hole in my air mattress because it seems to be having a deflating problem.