Jan 08, 2007 22:59
This post is filled with all sorts of girly things, so men: consider yourself warned!
After my failed attempt to find birth control to help with my monthly hell when I was 18, I tried to just live with it. What I tried (the patch) made me constantly feel like I was going to puke, so I just said, forget it and I'll deal with the cramps from hell. WELL, I can't stand it anymore. Since I'm 99.9% sure I couldn't find a doctor in this country to perform an elective hysterectomy on me, I have to do something. I'm not going to live in pain for 4 or 5 days every month of my life. All the research I've done about birth control (from the pill to the patch to the ring to the shot) all seem to have users who react badly to it, much like I did, which gives me little confidence in finding something to help me. I don't react well to a lot of medication, which is lame. You see, I DON'T UNDERSTAND why I couldn't choose to have an elective hysterectomy and just pay for it out of pocket.
It makes no sense to me how women can choose to have thier boobs done or have liposuction or any other "elective surgery" but yet I can't choose to have a hysterectomy. I know the main reason is my age and doctors think that one day I'm going to magically wake up and decide I want to have a shitload of children and then sue them for taking that option away from me. WELL, that's what you sign papers for. It's just like when you have any other elective surgery, you sign papers about the possibility for complications or risks, etc...
I don't want children. I've never wanted children. I highly doubt I'll EVER change my mind. And you know what, if someday I wake up thinking I want to raise a child, we have THOUSANDS of children who have no one to raise them. Instead of popping out another one, why not give a home to a child who doesn't have a home?? I have never had any sort of need to feel bonded by blood. I think most of you that know me know that my biological family is about as far away from "bonded" as you could imagine. Being blood related doesn't mean much to me in the long run. Maybe that's awful, but oh well. I think you have to earn being loved and respected and it's not a given just because you share blood.
Ok, I think I was going somewhere with this...OH YES, why can't I have a hysterectomy and save myself from dealing with this shit for the next 30+ years of my life! Let me calculate that for you.
5 days a month
12 months a year
At least 30 more years...
That would mean that I would spend a good 6 years of my life being in pain and being disgusted, cause no offense, but I'm with the guys on this one. Periods are fucking disgusting. They don't make me feel feminine. They make me feel like I want to stab myself and well, that's never a positive thing.
Alright. I feel a little better now (mentally). Physically, I still pretty much feel like my abdomen is going to suddenly explode. I would go drink some alcohol, but that tends to make things worse. YEP.
I'm trying really hard to think of something positive to end this post with cause I don't want it to be ALL bitching! Oh, something positive is that I accepted the fact that the guy I was hanging out with a lot was a huge asshole BEFORE I formed any sort of attachment to him. That's very positive in my opinion! HA! ;-)
All you people starting up school again, Good luck with your classes!