I think that it is rather sad that my last form of online entertainment is a failed attempt to communicate with the unsonscious.
fantasy_kitsune: I can't sleep. I miss you. It's four in the effing morning. I hope you're sleeping well, even if it is in the garage. I think I've given my bird some sort of complex - he thinks he is an owl now because of me. I was bored enough to paint my fingernails on my left hand, yet to lazy to do the right side.
fantasy_kitsune: Coffee is the Devil. Especially pure, unadultered, SRTAIGHT BLACK coffee that I unwisely thought I had to drink twice as much of because it was only half caff.
fantasy_kitsune: I can't remember if I ate today. The coffee counts though, right? Oh wait, I scarfed one of my mom's cookies. It was a HyTop cookie. Mmm...peanut butter flavoured concrete.
fantasy_kitsune: I guess I'll stop pestering your screen saver now. G'night.
Title: Toxic Laundry
By: A very bored me a few months back in time when I was in denial that living at my grandmother's house was 'okay'.
I like the fishies. Too bad you can't really see them and I don't want to put forth effort into making them visible.
A larger version is on DA....but meh.
Heh, this reminds me of how much I fear my closet and the clothing explosion opening the door is sure to set off.