red eye ramble, black dog BLAHs

Feb 02, 2012 04:11

62 hours. I'm weary but not sleepy. Mostly just kind of restless and bored. This could go on, I know it. I can do longer. At least another, what, could I do another fifteen? Probably with another pair of half-hour blackouts. I'm torn between being excruciatingly curious and tremendously bored. It's all I can do not to just go find things to do: sweep the rug, wash dishes, draw/paint, re-read some novel or comic, play with the cats, bike around in the dark. Or. Yanno. Post inane bullshit whining about my self-destructive urge to pursue a better(worse?)-than-average bout of insomnia instead of just lying still for a while.

There's a certain compelling romance to it, albeit a terribly selfish one. But that's the end of it I guess. How terribly disappointing. Next time I'll do better. There's a record to re-create or break. I was too sick that time to hallucinate but maybe I would in the absence of alcohol poisoning.

'Sbeen interesting. Enjoyable. (Maybe not the few hours where I was completely out of it and on the job, that was inconvenient at best.) Should push myself like this more often.

reaching beyond

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