[Video / Action] - Camping En Route to Violet City

Jul 29, 2010 02:05

[It's been an oddly uneventful past few days since the newly formed Dai Gurren Dan set off from Cherrygrove City, a majority of the team feeling rather pleased to finally be done with the town. It had been a leisurely trip so far, a good many of the campfire gatherings at night spent making sure the group was properly acquainted with each other and much of the day not spend walking, keeping everyone's battling skills in check.

As far as Kamina was concerned, Violet would be a speed bump where the group would stomp whoever the gym leader was and then they'd be off to the next town beyond that. Violet was as far as he'd heard anyone he knew had gotten and the prospect of what lay beyond that continued to excite him more with each passing day.

Which brought the group this this particular evening. The video feed shows Kamina reclining against a tree, Gurren asleep and draped across his shoulders while his cape had apparently been bundled into a make-shift pillow that he was cushioning his head with.]

Ain't gonna be long now.

Tch, so we're gettin' close to Violet City. The whole throw-down against the gym leader's gettin' me all psyched up. What the hell's this guy like, anyway? I've fought a buncha different guys an their partners -some of 'em use some pretty damn annoying tricks. Does this guy use any?

Oh yeah, if yer gettin' this Bridget, there anything cool to catch around there?

video journal, ic, route 29[rpg], pitstop, action

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