Title: Better Off Asleep
defiantlygreen Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: One-sided Dean/Jimmy.
Prompt: 16. Dean/Jimmy - possession.
Spoilers: 4x20, "The Rapture"
Word count: 488
Warnings: Slight angst.
Summary: He remembers his childhood Sundays at Bible study and thinks, Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife, and very nearly laughs, because Dean is by no stretch of the imagination Castiel’s wife.
Notes: Written for
Jimmy wakes up sometimes. Castiel’s nice like that. The angel lets him open his eyes, lets him see the world, feel the breeze on his face or taste the cold beer that slides down his throat. Of course, Castiel remains in control, moving Jimmy’s arms and legs, using Jimmy’s eyes, but Jimmy can feel.
Then, one day, Jimmy feels like someone’s watching him, and he knows Castiel feels it too, because the angel turns and there’s Dean, staring.
Jimmy knows it‘s Castiel Dean’s looking at. It’s the angel Dean sees in those bright blue eyes, that messy hair, the trench coat. What Dean doesn’t know is that Jimmy’s been on the receiving end of every single one of those piercing green-eyed stares, and it’s starting to…
Well, Jimmy doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know what Dean Winchester does to him.
No, not really. He does know. He knows that there’s suddenly this wonderfully squirmy feeling in his stomach, that his heart suddenly starts beating faster. He feels like…like that time he first met Amelia and thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Or like that time he turned from the altar and saw Amelia walking down the aisle toward him and knew she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Jimmy knows what’s happened. He just refuses to say it.
Jimmy knows what he feels is wrong. Never mind the fact that he’s married-he probably won’t make it out of this alive, and if Amelia involves herself with another man while he’s gone, well, he just hopes she’ll be happy.
He remembers his childhood Sundays at Bible study and thinks, Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife, and very nearly laughs, because Dean is by no stretch of the imagination Castiel’s wife.
Jimmy’s not blind. He knows how Castiel looks at Dean, knows the sudden affection that bubbles up inside the angel. He deeply feels Castiel’s fear when the Winchester brothers are in danger, his pain when they are in pain.
Most of all, he recognizes the feeling of peace and contentment that washes over Castiel when he is with Dean, the feeling that everything will be okay.
Castiel is all that Dean sees when he looks upon the outer shell of Jimmy Novak.
It is Castiel who is the true recipient of all of Dean’s tender looks, all his smiles, his laughter, the subtle touches of hand and knee and thigh when he thinks Sam isn’t looking.
Jimmy knows this.
So, when the angel in possession of his body finally puts him to sleep, gives to him a dream of a time eons ago, back when he was still an exceptionally ordinary man with a wife and a daughter and a nine-to-five job, Jimmy is only too eager to return to oblivion.
It has to be better than this constant pain he suffers, wanting Dean Winchester but knowing he can never have him.