Dec 23, 2007 15:09
1. dreams about love
2. dreams about life
3. things about work and school
when it comes to number one, its weird, i dont care. i am so tired. end it for me? these words i just typed mean nothing, are far from what i really mean or think. but they're so typical, i wrote them to humour my fingers.
the truth is,
i dont even have time to think about anything becuase if i sit in front of the computer people assume i am doing nothing and thereby bother me to do every random thing... blah... home has its ups and downs and im a five year old with a two year old's temper. great! >_>.
what's up with weird music? or for that matter, with normal music. what makes something worth your time, worth your time, its only how much you like it that makes it worth your time. why do you like it? because it tells you something you know? because it puts something you know into words and sounds more beautiful to you than any you've made? because it distracts you from something? or form the very thing it;s talking about, does it water down your emotions to a bearably limit, limit though it most definitely has to be, becase you can let out your wahtever in that limit with the music and then when the music is over if it was good it riled you up and you are shaking and you're ready to go. its an engine, not what i was trying ot say before, but is it an engine instead of a sponge, it had better be, no?