Dec 01, 2005 20:00
So, what's been going on with the Kulak?'s December, my favorite month, and I absolutely love it. Every breath of the frigid air makes me absolutely grateful to be alive! Today I woke up at the usual 6:45, lazily stood up and walked slowly toward my blurry closet. After throwing on some clothes, I dropped into a chair at the table to eat some breakfast. As usual, I get a rush of energy when I notice the 8 minutes I have till class starts. I get my teeth brushed and sprint out the door to the car (my dad drives me...). I arrive at school to the usual music played on the intercom before class starts. When the song ends, you're late. So I make it with about 13 seconds to spare, then sit down and listen for 90 minutes.... History is actually a pretty amusing class. Well, the teacher is amusing. Apparently he thinks I would dominate at poker due to my static facial expression and silent character.
Anyway, I walk out and meet Kevin outside the door as usual. We walk toward our next classes while informing eachother of anything new. I then see Alyssa, someone I used to like, but I got shot down.... Anyway, that's irrelevant. I'm just not good with girls, period.
So I get to english and watch the morning news show. They showed the cool house with christmas lights that go along with the rhythm of a song. Wicked awesome. So I await my writing prompt for the day. It turns out to be about work and how it holds the true essence of life. One who does not work cannot experience or gain knowledge of his self. Even the meanest of jobs (Publix) have a purpose. Yeah, that was interesting. So, 3rd hour, math. Just sat there. 4th hour, very funny. The other day the whole class left 30 minutes early. Here's why: this one kid, Anthony Snow (known for being a trouble maker/clown) went up to mrs. Piernick (health teacher) and asked about his grade. So she agreed to talk to him about it. He said "not in front of the class." So they step out and talk. At the same time, the kid that sits next to me (Matt) has this phone with a ringer programmed in it that sounds exactly like the bell. So this kid that sits in the back (Jake) went to the front of the room while Mrs. Piernick was outside with Anthony and moved the clock 30 minutes ahead. Heheheheehe. He put it back and sat down. Then Anthony and Piernick came back in, resuming class as if nothing happened. Sure enough, tho whole class knew. So we all started to stand up and pack our stuff at 1:15 (5 minutes before the bell) and sure enough, at 1:20 Matt rang his phone which sounded just like the bell. Everybody left casually and once outside we all ran. lol. It was soo funny how it actually worked. So yeah, we all got a 20 minute detention. Totally worth it.
Then walked toward my locker with Kyle, met up with Ryan, then a bunch of people just joined in. Then Ryan and I walked away and went on his bus. We suck, we have no car. So we got over there, worked out, then went to subway. Fuun stuff. Other crap happened but I'm bored of typing.
Rock on!