Dec 07, 2005 22:26
Not much of a day... I have another job now. I am babysitting for Genelle's friend. She needs me to be available all the time though and I really want to keep the job I have. I love the people there and I love the work I do. But... I really need the money and Misty needs the help so.. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. My boss gave me the next couple says off so I am going to babysit and clean house and see what happens (and pray with my heart that God shows me what exactly to do.)
My prayer list: (something random and maybe folks who read it can pray too)
Gerrod for his problem with the tumor in his cheek; Susan and her school, Genelle with her issues with work and the child she hopes to bear (she will be a great mom), Matt and his last few days in S and M school, Cara and her issues with doctors and her life with Dale as they embark on the journey of life together, Mary with her beginning in the wonderful world of adulthood and dating, Mom and Dad as they start their life in FL, Uncle David and his pancreas, Aunt Nancy with her pain -in -the -neck (literally), John that he will some day reach maturity and come back around to God, Marie and to deal with her addictions, Katrina because she keeps popping up in my head and I feel like she needs.. someone?? I dunno.. she is just in my thoughts alot lately
Brynn and her wedding plans (don't laugh it can be really stressful), Brain that he treats my friend right (I'm sure he will.. He better...), James and his depression I hope some day he will be happy, Marshall and his schooling, Isaac and his marriage
Julie and her girls, Kris and her financial issues as she faces nursing school and her husband being laid off at the same time, Sharla and her lonliness, Dr. Sam and help with bringing reliable clients in, Laurie and sanity with raising a teenage boy, Debbie and her life