Jun 18, 2008 23:14
Hello, my name is mark and i have a problem.
i am a workaholic.
so i've been off this lj site for a bit and thats the reason, i am became a work-a-holic.
about a month back, i started a new job. its still in pharmacy, but this time its in the home infusion field. the place is called Coram Healthcare and they offered me just little bit more money. The place is in Chantilly so its a much easier commute for me and i can wake up later since i don't go in until 9.30 and close at 6pm. its a M-F job, no weekend or major holidays either.
Home Infusion pharmacies deal only with referrals from hospitals, doctor offices, or other medical practices. these referred patients unfortunately are so sick that they need long term care and thats where Home Infusion comes in. Coram doesnt just employee pharmacists and techs, but nurses, admission teams, and warehouse folks as well. at this place: the patient is referred, the drugs are made as prescribed by doctor for at least a week's worth, kept until delivery, and then delivered to the patient. the farthest we've delivered to is near Alabama.
mostly i make antibiotics for patients and sometimes i do TPNs and chemo drugs as well. TPNs are Total Parenteral Nutrition, they cover the basic neccesities for the body: Fat (Lipids), Protein (Amino Acids), and Electrolytes (for hydration and other uses). These TPNs come in like 3 or 4 liter bags at the largest and take forever to make; usually they're given through IV if the patient cannot eat or get the nutrition any other way. This job... its a fun and different experience..well, kinda fun.
the work flow they do is just a little...slower than the hospital, yet so unorganized. i have yet to work a day where we are not out of something whether it be a drug, medication container, or tools needed to do actually make the medication. i am constantly going between the pharmacy and the warehouse (which is in the back of the office building) everyday to order things. a positive note, on top of the short commute: the benefits i think are pretty nice.
but im having second thoughts.
i still work at the hospital part time, actually every weekend. yes, that means i work 7 days a week. (thats where the work-a-holic comes in) and i miss the hospital considering i enjoyed it more.
oh yeah, quick point: some of you may remember something of a promotion that i might get. turns out that promotion was hell in a nice title of "Senior Technician" it was full of being back stabbed, working with negligent folks, and do schedulinng, attend meetings, and more bullshit....so i turned it down.
but the main reason i took this job and lifestyle? it was a way for me to maximize my way of making money...this way i can get a lot of money under my name and get the house worked on. while all of that keeping California in mind.
this had a flip side which i did not see until it was too late...by maximizing my money making opportunity i minimized on the time to hang out with friends. and i gotta tell you, i could not have made a worse decision at a worse time.
This is the age (or so i've been told by many older folks) where people go "wild" and live their life.
This is where the steps of how their life is going to be lived.
what am i doing? im working, i dont really "need" to work, but the thought of not having enough money is one of my biggest fears. so while that looms over my head i take the most immediate action i can to eleviate it...while of course not thinking clearly.
there is an underlying deciding factor that made me lean toward this life style: family. i do believe i was assumed repsonibility of my mother's health and well-being. how i came to this ..."enlightenment" is a rather angry, dark, depressing, and over all negative way and i am not getting into details.
but i might be using that as an excuse to work, so i can stay busy and not pay attention to whats going on else where. and to avoid not seeing what unknown i work more and more in a field that im familiar with.
maybe i dont want to realize something so i keep working, or something.
i like to work at the hospital, but i don't like to miss events with friends. i like that im making the most money, but i dont like how this life is going to be if this is how im living now.
...that was a massive post.