This is what happens when I'm bored...

Oct 22, 2006 00:53

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Where was jg0811 born? ::shrugs:: RI?
2) Where did you first meet cloud82287? Uh...I don't remember where exactly, I know there were some good times in English class, I don't really remember much before then.
3) Are blackanubis and cloud82287 going steady? ...Probably not, though how would I know?
4) Would you ever date sirhcberzerk? I don't think offense.
5) Is sirhcberzerk friends with pk6487? Yes, if we saw him once in a while.
6) If hardcore_ramen took over the world, who would be happy? Me cuz I'd get lotsa stuff!
7) If pokeypenguin117 were hanging off a cliff, what would sirhcberzerk do? Help her up?
8) Do you have cloud82287's screenname? Duh...
9) Could you see lockexenocide and broken_rhyme together? Oh totally
10) What word best describes blackanubis? ...Not here...that was two...shut up...
11) What mental disorder does broken_rhyme remind you of? ...ADD?
12) What is cloud82287's favorite band/artist? Muse...or Coheed...
13) Is zim578 a nerd? Yes.
14) If paranoidandr0id and lockexenocide were spliced together, what would be its name? Jivy!!
15) What is blackanubis's favorite game? I don't know.
16) Does adioscieloazul travel a lot? I don't think so...
17) Is pokeypenguin117 related to zim578? Nope.
18) Is zim578 related to you? Nope...good thing too, cuz there coulda been some seriously awkward times if otherwise.
19) Is broken_rhyme 1337? Ya!
20) What would you do if you found out broken_rhyme has a crush on you? Laugh...a lot...
21) How tall is zim578? Too tall
22) Would broken_rhyme and pokeypenguin117 look good together? Psh back off she's MINE!
23) Does cloud82287 have a dog? Yes...though I don't think he likes him very much...
24) Is sirhcberzerk athletic? Nah, he's too lazy.
25) What would lockexenocide think of zim578? I dunno, ask her.
26) What do you disagree with broken_rhyme about? I'll get back to you on that one.
27) What animal should adioscieloazul be combined with? A very sexy one...
28) Is hardcore_ramen dead sexy? Oh, I dunno about dead sexy...maybe...kinda sexy?
29) Is pk6487 an emo? No, he bounces around too much.
30) Does pk6487 do drugs? Duh, Pot King!
31) What is cloud82287's favorite color? Blue!...I dunno.
32) What is pokeypenguin117 allergic to? Calculus.
33) Are jg0811 and blackanubis going out? Last time I checked, no, but things might have changed...
34) Would you make out with paranoidandr0id? ...I think Mawy had a dream about this...
35) If lockexenocide took over the world, who would suffer? People who suck.
36) How many monkeys could hardcore_ramen fight at once and win against? None, the monkeys would definitely kick his ass.
37) Would pokeypenguin117 be a better ninja or pirate? Ninja probably.
38) Is jg0811 popular? Oh yeah.
39) How would hardcore_ramen kill sirhcberzerk? He wouldn't. He's too lazy.
40) Which of your friends should sirhcberzerk go out with? ....
41) Do you have a crush on zim578? Definitely. He is one sexy beast.
42) How would meilin357 conquer the world? With kitties!
43) Would you wrestle paranoidandr0id in jello? Of course. He would totally kick my ass though.
44) Did cloud82287 break up with you? Yes...and thank you for bringing up such a painful subject. While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice papercut and pour lemon juice on it!
45) What would you do if pk6487 died? Go to his funeral.
46) What song/movie would you recommend to paranoidandr0id? I don't know, considering he think I don't like anything.
47) If jg0811 and broken_rhyme were spliced together, what would it be like? ...I wouldn't even want to get into it.
48) If meilin357 had a superpower, what would it be? Awesome ability to get Eric to do his homework...Power?
49) If pokeypenguin117 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Ooooo I would!!
50) Does meilin357 go to your school? No...
51) Would pk6487 go out with hardcore_ramen? No, cuz I'd beat his ass.
52) What is blackanubis's biggest flaw? He's not around!!!!!
53) What languages does pk6487 speak? Awkward
54) What comic book character would sirhcberzerk be? ....I dunno...
55) How long have you known paranoidandr0id? A while.
56) Have you flirted with hardcore_ramen? EWWWW no...
57) Does pokeypenguin117 know sirhcberzerk? I believe so...
58) Would cloud82287 and zim578 make a good couple? I think Loogie would end up killing him...
59) Does cloud82287 drink? When the mood strikes...
60) What rank would paranoidandr0id have in a giant robot army? General.
61) adioscieloazul's eye color? Brown?
62) What is jg0811's shoe size? Well it must be big, considering the size of his...use your imagination for that one...
63) What would paranoidandr0id give meilin357 for his/her birthday? Flowers or something sweet like that...I think.
64) What do you agree with zim578 about? Everything.
65) When did you last call meilin357? ...Never...
66) If jg0811 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Ms. Carmen.
67) Do blackanubis and lockexenocide go to the same school? Nope.
68) Have you ever dated hardcore_ramen? ...Ew, who date that loozah...sadly, this loozah. Still going, too.
69) What video game does adioscieloazul remind you of? Hm...Something sexy.
70) What animal does hardcore_ramen remind you of? A kitty.
71) What is lockexenocide's favorite movie? I dunno. Something awesome I just know it.
72) Does jg0811 have a crush on broken_rhyme? Probably, I mean, who doesn't?
73) Where would meilin357 most like to visit? ::shrugs:: ask her.
74) One quality you find attractive in sirhcberzerk? He's ugly?
75) Is broken_rhyme in a relationship? I don't think so...
76) Is blackanubis a college student? Ya.
77) What planet should meilin357 be from? Earth.
78) How long would zim578 dating meilin357 last? Probably not very long.
79) Do you think hardcore_ramen is hot? NO! Ewwwwww...
80) Would you set up adioscieloazul and meilin357? I don't even think I have to.
81) Where was blackanubis born? I dunno
82) Is blackanubis single? I think so...If I saw him once in a while I'd know.
83) Does sirhcberzerk have a big secret? Probably. And it's probably that he killed a hobo.
84) Is jg0811 introverted or extroverted? Introverted I think...maybe a little of both.
85) What color should hardcore_ramen dye their hair? Black.
86) Has broken_rhyme been to your house/dorm? My house...sadly not my dorm.
87) What flavor of jello would meilin357 be? A yummy flavor.
88) Are lockexenocide and zim578 married? No, but it'd be funny.
89) Thoughts on cloud82287? He's awesome!
90) What exotic animal would cloud82287 like as a pet? A chupa thingy
91) Which president would lockexenocide be likely to idolize? mmmm....first president that comes to my head...Clinton! I dunno.
92) Is pk6487 a high school student? Nope.
93) Has sirhcberzerk dyed their hair? Not that I know of.
94) What would broken_rhyme do differently in your shoes? Not swear so much?
95) Does zim578 smoke? Nope
96) Is cloud82287 your best friend? Oh totally.
97) If zim578 and pk6487 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? At Brian's sexy booty and PK's flat backside...
98) pk6487's hair color? Black.
99) What is jg0811's favorite food? Weiners?
100) One thing you can't stand about hardcore_ramen? I can only name one? Fine, he's smelly. Take a shower you lazy bum!
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