I haven't seen anything regarding this on my flist so um....here goes:
First Dumbledore and now Buffy!? Thats it...I'm officially GAY for Jesus! wtf.
In other news...my life is an epic fail. I have yet to find any direction in life so have taken it upon myself to become a wandering nomad until a) i find a purpose to this life or b) run out of money. I am thinking the latter is more than likely going to be my fate. And though I realize that this is probably coming off as a bit "woe is me" its actually not intended that way. I love the freedom to just up and leave as I please without any real direction...I am a leaf on the wind. I think back to when i was younger and there were so many things that I wanted to do, and even now I have many goals and aspirations but I think in the end I have to accept that I am a dreamer and not so much a doer. And if dreaming is all i got well dammit i'm going to dream big! I dont know what I am on about...I just lost an hour of my life and its ridiculous o'clock in the morning so i have nothing witty to say.
I am currently in NY...going to be in pittsburgh for a few days before heading to Wisconsin for a month...after that, fuck knows!
leave me comments! Or I will eat fishsticks and chocolate milk and poo on your shiny shoes!