Misconceptions About Obamacare

Jun 29, 2012 19:25

I completely affirm that health care is a human right. Everybody should have the right and access to health care. With this being said, there are many misconceptions about the Obamacare law.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the Obamacare law is a tax. This is important because Obamacare was not introduced as a tax; raising taxes would make the Obamacare law less appealing. Therefore, Obamacare was originally introduced as penalizing individuals who did not have health insurance. This means if you do not have health insurance now and you do not live 133% below the poverty line that you will be penalized in fines by the Individual Mandate. The Individual Mandate would be held as unconstitutional if it was not a tax. Hence, in order for the Obamacare law to remain constitutional the U.S. Supreme Court had to uphold it as a tax.

One of the big misconceptions is that all currently uninsured people believe Obamacare will cover them. This is far from the truth. You have to be 133% below the poverty line in order to be covered by Obamacare or the expansion of medicaid. If you aren't covered by medicaid now; then you more than likely will not be covered by Obamacare. This means you will be forced to pay the penalizng tax. If an uninsured person cannot afford insurance right now, then they are not going to be able to afford the tax penalty for not having it. This is an unfair tax on the poor and burdening people even more financially.

Another big misconception is that individuals believe only the rich will be required to pay the majority of the tax for the Obamacare law. I wish I could tell you this was the case, but it's not. Minimally, 75% of the tax will be paid for by individuals or a household which makes up to 250,000 annually. Yes, I agree 250,000 annually can constitute a person or household as rich. The point is whether you make 20,000 or 30,000 a year; you will be paying 75% of the Obamacare tax. This will drastically hurt our economy, poor, and middle class. Most people do not realize that a person who makes 100,000 annually already has over 50% of every paycheck going to taxes. So, if a father makes 100,000 annually with 50% or more going to taxes. Then he brings home only 50,000 to his family and that's not including the deductions in his paycheck for health insurance, life insurance, etc. So now we are looking at a father bringing home less than 40,000 a year to his family. Did you know that 40,000 annually in 2006 was considered poverty line in San Fancisco? I grew up in a family of this income with a total of four siblings. Life was hard; we barely made it. I can't imagine paying more in taxes for the Obamacare law. My middle class family would have never survived. The lower middle class will definitely not survive. People in middle class families will not survive these economic times with a huge raise in taxes. Obamacare will hurt the people of the United States more than it would help them.

It's not a misconception that Obamacare will expand medicare and medicaid, but it expands these services with severe cuts to the amount of health care a person will receive under these benefits. I will give a few examples of the cuts. The government will now decide the medications you can or cannot receive; not your doctor. So if the government says Midrin works better than Maxalt then the doctor can only prescibe you Midrin. Let's say the Midrin doesn't work and you go back to the doctor. The doctor will not be able to prescribe you any other medication because the government says they are only allowed to prescribe Midrin. I heard Obama say, "If we know the purple pill works better then the blue pill; then we go with the purple." This is a severe cut to medical care. As can be clearly seen in any medication, every individual reacts differently. Every individual has a unique biological system and may require different medications. Obamacare makes getting different necessary medications impossible. There is also a clause in Obamacare which states that once the government denies you health care; it's illegal for you to go somewhere else to get it.

Additionally, there is a misconception that the death panels in Obamacare is only education and forms based on the will of an individual at death. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. The death panels are made up of ethicists, not doctors, who decides whether a person lives or dies. The individal's documented will is not taken into account, their insurance coverage or lack of is not taken into account, and even if the person can outright pay for the treatment is still not taken into account. Basically, the government decides if a person lives or dies. The government decides if you get the necessary surgery or you don't. Obamacare is so unaffordable they exapanded the services to medicare and medicaid at the expense of the people. Everybody currently on medicaid and medicare right now will have less health care coverage due to large cuts. The death panels are necessary so individuals will die and the government won't have the burden of covering them because Obamacare is unaffordable. Obamacare is only affordable at the cost of less health care coverage and an individuals right to life.

I have my fair share of problems with Mitt Romney, for example I don't agree with his anti-gay stance, however I can say that he isn't completely against the idea of everybodies right to health care; he instituted Romneycare. He stated yesteday, that he wants to repeal obamacare and put into place a better system. A system which doesn't cut heath care coverage to medicare and medicaid or raise taxes. Granted Romneycare does have major flaws, but the fact remains is that Romney has more experience in implementing and fixing a health care system than Obama. Romney is for a health care system that doesn't infrige on the individual's rights and freedoms in the first amendment. If we want a fair and just health care system that doesn't cut medicare, medicaid, raise taxes, or infringe on our freedoms; then Romney is our guy. As far as his anti-gay stance is concerned, that's the reason why gay republicans, such as myself, exist.

mike johanns, will smith, conscious, pro-choice, finances, poor, democrat, republican, elderly, healthcare, religious, government, cost, social, planned parenthood, freedom, independent, unconsitutional, healthcare reform, marco rubio, obama, religion, individual, reform, pro-life, obamacare, lawsuit, mitt romney, free, supreme court, health, rand paul, equality, abortion

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