at the end of the third day we hit colorado. a new type of gas station showed up and was very predominate through colorado and utah.
we crashed at a little mom and pop motel advertising free wireless. this wireless however left you wishing for a good fast dialup connection. scott was offended, so he logged into their router and assigned two static ip addresses to us and turned dhcp off. tsk tsk, secure your network people!
Scott dancing a jig. nothing makes him happier than being bad.
Back on the road again through eastern colorado
managed to hit 85mph on the flat roads there, not a lot of wind gusts. never found the speed limiter.. 90mph??
man, this is long road!
Rockies come into view about 50 miles from denver.
beginning the acent into the mountains
still going, 5 miles into the mountains
deer just hanging out laughing that we only made it about 8 miles in before the truck overheated. we decided to let the truck cool for a bit, so we drove to the next stop. we saw this and started to panic.
we let the truck cool down for about an hour, trying to decide whether to pull the car off the trailer and drive it behind, we figured we would just try to take it slow instead and if we had more problems, then that would be our only option. we got back on the road, and found that the first 10 miles was actually the worst climb and the rest of the route would be more gradual. we made slow progress but made up for it on the flat sections.
passed by some old gold mines...
Scott felt a special connection to this picture for some reason...
heading towards the summit
couldn't resist.
As we were nearing the end of our trip on rt 70, a fedex truck lost it's brakes and exploded on a barrier wall. we sat in traffic for about an hour and a half.
Our trip took us up route 13 to route 40, eventually connecting us to route 80 in utah. this 150 mile bit of trip was probably the most stressfull, there was no moon, no lights, no houses, nothing. we stopped a few times and could see more stars in the sky that I ever believed there was. as we continued on our trip, I noticed tumbleweeds rolling in front of our truck. "I think we are in the desert" I said, and pulled over to shine the lights off the road.
we continued on in the dark, reaching vernal, utah at 3 am. we had to drive around the crappy little town looking for a wireless internet signal to get the phone number of the hotel in order to call and wake the deskperson up.
next update: utah desert, more mountains, idaho, more mountains and oregon. oh yeah, and more mountains.