Jul 28, 2005 15:30
So here's what happend on my trip to philly...
Friday was the drive down, and let me tell you it could've been the end of my trip. Luckly for me I leave $5 in singles in my car otherwise I believe they would've stopped me on the turnpike and not allowed me through. Regardless I made it through with $.25 to spare and made it Jenna's in time to head out to the game with Steve and Jenna's friend Amanda. Amanda is a nice girl that is very lucky because stevie k has taken an interest in her, good possible couple let me tell you.
So that leads us to the game, on the way to the game Jenna gets a phone call from her boss at school telling her that one of her fellow staffers has commited suicide. Well while this is quite sad, Jenna is paying to close attention to the convo and not enough to the road. So we drive RIGHT BY the exit for the stadium, this takes us across a bridge into Dirty Jersey and requires us to take an awkward U-turn and miss the first pitch. The game was awesome however, I bought a Chase Utley jersey (he's been anchoring my fantasy team, it was the least I could do) so anyway, Utley decides that in the bottom of the 11th he's tired of the game and ends it with a walkoff home run.
Afterwards we head out to the bars, with a small glitch, Amanda and Kristin Martini (who we met up with at the game) are not 21. So Jenna's friend Josh (who was a dick to steve and I) offers up a "dive bar I know they can get into". Little did he tell us you'd need a tetinus shot before you entered. So Steve and I protested going in and insted I found us another retaurant to get drinks at. After a few drinks we headed back to martini's place where we all went to sleep REAL fast.
Saturday found steve and I shopping at a mall with four girls, BAD IDEA. We then headed over to the Phillies day game, where I got to witness Chase Utley hit ANOTHER home run, GREATNESS. We then packed up and headed back to Jenna's for dinner at this chic new italian joint that jenna's dad is friends with the owner. They made me this finlandia mango and tonic and let me tell you, FANTASTIC. Afterwards we got back and went swimming, i don't think we waited 30minutes. Then we made some hot chocolate and fell asleep watching the "Incredibles" great movie, I had never seen it before but PIXAR rarely lets me down!
On sunday I hit up the driving range with Jenna and her brother. I was smacking the ball, which always makes me feel great. Afterwards I headed back intime to join Lacey and Jared for a steak dinner and then off to "Wedding Crashers". Man, Rhett Mitter was SOOOO right about that movie... HYSTERICAL!!!
Well that's it for now, I interviewed on Tuesday for a Part-Time posistion on Lite Rock 97.3 and Q-Country... It was quite promising and I'm confident about a position but I did not get an offer, EOE stuff I guess.
I'm out... p.s. The Nationals just got swept by Atlanta... GRRRRREAT....