I and a number of my friends had the wonderful chance to play Rock Band on New Year's Eve, and it is just as much fun as advertised. Even
actorwoof, who can't stand playing video games for the most part, seemed to really get his groove on with the game. I had only played Guitar Hero a couple times in the past and it never really caught on for me at the time... perhaps I was playing on too difficult a level before? I'm not sure. But playing Rock Band as a three-piece (the gentleman who brought the game didn't have the controller charged that would have allowed the microphone to work) brought the game to a whole new level and I had a really, really great time with it... both playing guitar as well as the drums.
So I now have TWO games that will inspire me to get an XBox 360 at some point. Of course... that also means that what was originally a $450.00 investment for the console itself now becomes a $600.00 investment when you include the Rock Band package. So perhaps it still will be a little while before I take the plunge.