Okay... this question was originally asked in incontango's LiveJournal... but is buried amongst a number of other responses. I felt like this needs it's own thread. The question was
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Alright, if you truly want to keep with the feel of the original cast, you need actors with certain career elements. They need to be people that were never huge stars but who had serviceable careers. Said career needs to be on the downswing, as most of that cast didn't do much of note after the film (with McKean and Curry the lone exceptions). You gotta have some representation from the SNL/Second City type crowd. And you can't have anybody that's currently a bankable draw, either in film or TV. So all of the previous suggestions of people from current, hip shows are out. It's got to be a list of names where no one actor makes you go "WOW!" but when you look at the whole you go, "damn, that's a kickass ensemble
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I suppose so, but the way I looked at it, Clue was a pretty popular movie, and people would actually want to get in on the remake. Bruce Willis started out in comedy, has that great chunk of action movies in the middle, and now does whatever the hell he wants. That sort of thing.
Yeah, but where's the challenge if you have access to A-level stars? The fun part is coming up with fringe people whose careers are flagging.
I will give it up for the brilliant David Hyde Pierce suggestion. And I'd actually toss Jamie Lee Curtis into the Miss Scarlet argument, because most guys I know agree that even today she's hot.
And also, Jennifer coolidge is brilliant. Although I think it'd be neat to see her as the maid.
I will give it up for the brilliant David Hyde Pierce suggestion. And I'd actually toss Jamie Lee Curtis into the Miss Scarlet argument, because most guys I know agree that even today she's hot.
How about Carrie Fisher as Ms. White?
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