Happy days

Jul 30, 2009 11:18

I am very, very happy *Does a happy dance* My roommate has a job!! Hooray!!! This means I can stop pulling extra long days at work I can stop stressing over bills and I can buy stuff for myself once again!  Of course that will not happen for a bit depending on where he comes in on the pay period but at worst he should get 1 paycheck next month.

As I said before once he is getting payed regularly he is taking over at least 2 months of rent and a new lap top shall be mine!

Of course the downside is that he is horrible at  waking up, I will have to be his human alarm clock as I as today... I had to wake him up at 7 am which is way to early for me and the way he is talking that will be late compared to the normal wake up call he shall need. but if it'll make my life less stressful and give me more free time I'll do it.

Last night my night wasn't as good, I had a very stressful night followed with my ex walking in. She wanted to talk so I decided to take her back to the office, she proceeded to tell me how much she missed me and loved me. I will admit for a bit I was considering getting back with her, I am lonely and want to feel loved. Then of course she ruined it by saying "Of course you'll have to cut your hair, I don't want to date a guy with long hair like a fag."

At that point it all came back to me how cruel and mean spirited she was and how she was always trying to change me to fit her image and how often she would insult me for no reason. So I told her I was seeing someone and that I was sorry. A total lie and I probably doomed myself to loneliness for a while but I do not need that kind of girl, for now I am happy about avoiding that mistake.

Well I am off to do nothing and enjoy my day off in a true lazy way. : )
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