I can not think of a title tonight

Jul 17, 2009 21:09

Alright, today has been an up and down kind of day.

First the optical sensor/ laser (What ever it is called) that reads disc inside my PS3 is dead... I can't play games, watch DVDs, Blu-rays, or listen to CDs. Thankfully that is the only problem with it, my large collection of movies, TV shows and anime is all fine and watchable but I can't do much else. It was a gift to me from my mom and I learned today that she through out the receipt making it's warrenty pretty much void since I need that to get any work on it. And there is no way I can afford to buy a new one.

So that made me very sad... I called my mother and she says she will get me a new one, she can be a bit unreliable at times but if she does get a new one it will be cool since I can use this one to keep all my downloaded movies and shows and the other one for games...

On the other hand before it died I watched a really funny movie called "Dr.Horrible's sing along blog" a musical with Neil Patrick Harris playing a pathetic villain trying to get a girl and make it into a league of evil! A very cheesy movie with poor special effects but really good singing and acting. It may not be very manly of me to admit it but I do enjoy a good musical and I love a good low budget film so this one really was a good find for me.

And my Roommate has left for the weekend giving me the place to my self for the next couple of days. which is good and bad at the same time. Good because I don't have to tip toe around the house till 1pm because he always sleeps in late and I don't have to feel guilty about making food for myself and not making any for him. A bit bad just because I always get a bit lonely when I am all by myself but this time I think the good out ways the bad Lol
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