Jul 10, 2005 23:24
heeeyyy, guess what, I have mono... again. you're only supposed to get it once but apparently I'm defective or something.
I have tomorrow off!! I have never had a job that made me look forward to being off so much... especially with mono.
checklist for monday, which I have off:
1) sleep in. wicked.
2) lunch/shopping for college/ice cream with my mom. :)
3) do something about that blasted fish tank
4) take a shower... maybe? It's been awhile.
5) I really should think about cleaning my room. and doing laundry. not only should I think about it...
6) read some more. should I read ecstasy or prozac nation? (because I just randomly started reading it and it's actually good. I like memoirs.) maybe both. I'm off! 24 hours minus 18 for sleeping is a long time.
last night my mom asked me if I lost weight. I go "no, I don't think... why?" and she told me I looked "bonier than usual." Thx mom. bony... excellent. haha
PS- WISH MY DOG LADY A HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY (yesterday)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got her a dentabone and a tennisball kong... she actually likes them. that made my day.
mad love