You thought you’d heard the last of Glenn Beck when Fox News canned him.
But Glenn Beck is still in the batshit conspiracy business.
And business is good.
It’s even more mind-boggling when you pause to remember that, in terms of batshit talk radio ratings, Glenn Beck isn’t even on top of the list. He’s No. 3 behind Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
It’s hard to think of anything to add to this that isn’t really obvious.
All I can say is that when you live in a society that rewards wholesale ignorance, revisionist history, race baiting, apocryphal anecdotes, batshit paranoid fantasies and
cash-for-gold scams with that kind of money, it’s probably not a sign of the Apocalypse so much as a sign that we probably deserve one at this point.
Or is that too harsh?
Maybe. But I probably wouldn’t mind so much if so many people didn’t take Beck seriously. Which is why I can’t decide which is worse: whether Beck really believes his own schtick, or he’s a savvy broadcaster who knows how to draw an audience. Because if it’s the latter, I’m pretty most of his audience isn’t in on the joke.
Either way, it’s the latest indication that Rational Discourse is LONG dead and gone. And all because there’s no money in it.
Why bother,
This is dF
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