May 09, 2009 18:14

Swine flu: we kicked its ass.

Okay, I’m exaggerating. But the guy who brought it here has fully recovered and no one else caught it from him, so everyone in the Metropark was released last night.

Naturally people (mainly a few of the Metropark “guests”) are complaining that the HK govt overreacted. I’ve heard the words “Draconian” and “civil liberties” chucked around a few times.

On the other hand, if the govt hadn’t quarantined the hotel, they would have accused of endangering everyone by not keeping the virus contained. And remember that they’ve heard that one before. Also, realistically the only way the guests would have felt the quarantine was justified is if they all got sick and died, so you might as well play it safe.

Granted, I can’t say for sure I’d have a sense of humor about it if I was one of the guests locked up in quarantine. That said, I also normally travel with books to read and a laptop, so as long as I have an Internet connection I’m good for a few weeks.

Anyway, it could be worse. We could have been in FEMA’s jurisdiction.

Looking forward to flu season.

Germ-free adolescents,

This is dF

long gone in hong kong, license to ill

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