Nov 03, 2008 18:51

Well, it’s almost time for the deal to go down, and I’m pretty sure that we all know who we wanted to vote for like eight whole months ago, but just in case the undecideds really are undecided and not just people who don’t want to say who they’re voting for in case they back the wrong horse, here’s something to help you make up yr mind: the Fafblog interview with John McCain.

FB: Well I'm almost sold, John McCain, but Barack Obama says he's gonna make war cool again in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Why shouldn't I vote for him?

MCCAIN: Because I know war, my friends. I've lived with war. Slept with war. Fondled war. Has Barack Obama ever made sweet love to the outer casing of an intercontinental ballistic missile? Or was he too busy teaching kindergartners how to have sex with federal earmarks to show his support for our troops?

And so on.

FUN FACT: Fafblog is also the blog that wrote the greatest argument in favor of Sarah Palin:

As a moose-hunting Jesus-fearing hockey-mom mother of five who hunts moose, Sarah Palin isn't some petty Washington bureaucrat. She's a petty Alaskan bureaucrat, and she's gonna shake things up in Washington! For her first reform she will pose for photographs with a gun and a stuffed moose head! For her second reform she will say something bold and brassy. For her third reform she will give birth at a live press conference to six eagle scouts, three peregrine falcons and an American mastodon, rear them in the Christian faith and release them into the wild before hunting them down, shooting them and mounting their heads in the Roosevelt Room!
DISCLAIMER: If McCain/Palin win because I posted this, I’m sorry. It seemed really funny at the time.

Choose and lose,

This is dF

mccain in the membrane, i wanna be elected, welcome to the palindrome, i walked with a zombie

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