My tweets

Dec 24, 2021 12:00

  • Fri, 08:44: RT @ Baochoy: After #Thepillarofshame , another public art work commemorating the #TiananmenSquareMassacre was removed by the @ CUHKofficial
  • Fri, 08:45: RT @ NiaoCollective: The Goddess of Democracy statue at CUHK and the Tiananmen Massacre relief sculpture at Lingnan - both reportedly remove…
  • Fri, 08:46: RT @ laiyanhoeric: They removed the Pillar of Shame in #HKU.They are removing the scripture of Tiananmen Massacre in #LingnanUniversity.Soon…
  • Fri, 09:04: RT @ BerniceKing: My heart goes out to #DaunteWright’s family today. They loved him before his name was tragically hash-tagged. A new day is…
  • Fri, 10:02: It feels to me like the other unis were waiting for HKU to make the first move, if only to see what eventual "it's not censorship, really" excuse they came up with so they could follow suit. But it wouldn't surprise me at all if they planned this together.
  • Fri, 10:49: RT @ ShibaniMahtani: This August, the Myanmar military summoned town elders from Thantlang with a warning: control the rebellion, or we will…
  • Fri, 10:59: "The White Paper presumes  that only the CCP understands the ‘fundamental interests and common will of the people’. This notion that the leadership core is all knowing, all seeing, and the fount of all wisdom, is dangerous." Exhibit A: Carrie Lam
  • Fri, 11:34: RT @ hkfp: Chinese artist Chen Weiming, who created both the Goddess of Democracy statue and the Tiananmen Massacre relief told HKFP on Frid…
  • Fri, 11:35: RT @ sumlokkei: we all know the most reasonable and righteous things are done in the dead of night, followed by a press statement in the mor…

#thepillarofshame, #dauntewright, #tiananmensquaremassacre, #hku, #lingnanuniversity, #june4, twitter

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