My tweets

Jul 28, 2021 12:00

  • Tue, 13:16: I had a feeling that this was the result of some pro-Beijing people suspecting that the reporter who filmed the stabbing was somehow in on it. And you know, whatever, but it's worrying if the NS police are taking such silly conspiracy theories seriously.
  • Tue, 14:10: The silver lining in kids fleeing HK: teachers can use the extra time to better brainwash the remainders. 👍
  • Tue, 17:39: Too many thoughts for one tweet, but two quick ones: 1. I don't think anyone expected any outcome other than this one. 2. This is the NSL working as intended: intentionally vague definitions of offenses to guarantee convictions of those the govt wants jailed.
  • Tue, 17:47: Short short version: your intentions don't matter, only what the govt claims you intended. If I say "cat", the govt can now say "we think you meant dog and you intended to incite hatred of police by calling them dogs, yr under arrest" if it suits them to do so.
  • Tue, 17:48: RT @ tomgrundy: The Hong Kong police force are tweeting about a UK terror attack from years ago, with a bizarre effort at hashtagging: https…
  • Tue, 17:51: Basically anyone who has ever chanted or posted that slogan is now by legal definition a secessionist. GovHK now instantly has the nest of terrorists and separatists it's always claimed existed to justify further crackdowns.
  • Tue, 17:52: 👇👇👇👇👇👇
  • Tue, 19:08: RT @ antd: In the Competition to be the Biggest HK Patriot - as in all competitions - there will be winners, and there will be losers…
  • Tue, 22:19: A suspect of what exactly 🤔
  • Wed, 09:17: Mischief managed
  • Wed, 09:22: RT @ voxdotcom: “At the end of the day, we’re human too so we have to protect our mind and our body rather than just go out there and do wha…
  • Wed, 09:25: RT @ JeromeTaylor: Legal analysts told @ AFP Tuesday's ruling showed Hong Kong's judiciary is adopting a broad interpretation of the security…
  • Wed, 09:26: RT @ Iowacaucusguy: His excuse is he was “meeting people where they are at.” I will allow it
  • Wed, 09:28: RT @ jeremyfaust: The CDC has not "backtracked on masks." The unvaccinated did not heed the call to stay masked in far too many areas. Now…
  • Wed, 09:30: RT @ joshtpm: shorter GOP: we'll decide who's a cop
  • Wed, 09:30: RT @ nytimes: In excruciating detail, four police officers who defended the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot testified to the #January6thCommi
  • Wed, 09:31: RT @ BrentNYT: The woman who was wrongly denied the Nobel Prize: an @ nytimes documentary about gender, science and how we see the stars. h…
  • Wed, 09:33: RT @ atrupar: The first Jan. 6 hearing was remarkably harrowing. It was also an indictment of GOP leadership and the hollowness of their "ba…
  • Wed, 09:33: RT @ tom_kellogg: My latest piece (with Kaylee Morrison) on the HK NSL's impact on international business for @ ForeignPolicy. Companies bewa…
  • Wed, 09:43: RT @ TMclaughlin3: The “uttering of any phrase or singing of any song that irks the government can now be deemed as among the most grievous…

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