My tweets

Jun 03, 2021 12:00

  • Thu, 10:44: RT @ antd: How quickly this dark veil is falling over HK…
  • Thu, 10:46: RT @ axios: The Trump administration secretly seized the phone records of four New York Times reporters, the newspaper said today https://t.…
  • Thu, 10:46: RT @ voxdotcom: The world's largest meat producer is facing a key cybersecurity breach. It signals a troubling trend in ransomware attacks.…
  • Thu, 10:55: It will be interesting to see if the police try to shut these down and how they justify it, partly because the leadership of the mainline churches have generally claimed the NSL won't impact religious freedom. Perhaps we're about to find out how accurate that is.
  • Thu, 11:32: I'm one of the Americans who learned about Turkish Delight from Narnia. I imagined it to be something like a turkey puff pastry with cranberry sauce. Since then, I've only ever encountered/eaten the Cadbury version of TD here in Hong Kong. Would not recommend.

twitter, #721yuenlongattack

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