My tweets

Apr 02, 2021 12:00

  • Thu, 12:48: RT @ jeffielam: guess who’s the chair of the China Law Society which members are now allowed to field reps to the ElectionCommittee? NPCSC d…
  • Thu, 12:56: RT @ WilliamYang120: I don't think I remember this part of the story in the fable....
  • Thu, 12:56: RT @ MattCKnight: So Chinese state media is accused of inventing a fake French journalist. In response, someone made a fake twitter profile…
  • Thu, 13:04: RT @ antd: This nasty little detail: the prosecution asked for all defendants (including 82yo Martin Lee, 73yo Margaret Ng) to be denied bai…
  • Thu, 13:04: RT @ rthk_enews: Media tycoon Jimmy Lai, founding chairman of the Democratic Party Martin Lee, and five other prominent pro-democracy activi…
  • Thu, 13:12: As you can see, their criminal activity is gathering peacefully. That's it. Also worth adding that technically, every person in these photos are also guilty "criminals" in the eyes of the police and DOJ. And they'd put every last one of them in jail if they had room.
  • Thu, 18:13: RT @ Will_daReal: who tf decided to call it “emotional baggage“ and not “griefcase” ???
  • Thu, 23:05: RT @ sharonyamsy: Yesterday, it was confirmed that the national security police would vet all potential candidates before they could partici…
  • Thu, 23:49: RT @ charlottejee: HERE IT IS. Without question the most important thing I have ever written.
  • Fri, 00:58: RT @ rthk_enews: A #HongKong group calling itself the "Demanding H&M apologise coalition" threatens a boycott of the Swedish retail clothing…

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