My tweets

Mar 08, 2021 12:00

  • Sun, 19:44: RT @ xinwenxiaojie: Report: New RTHK Chief drops "Hong Kong Stories" episode. featuring HK rap-band LMF member for being "indecent" without…
  • Sun, 20:13: RT @ TheAuthorGuy: Errol: What’s the bear minimum? Andy: Don’t know. Errol: One bear. -from UNCLE, on Hulu At that point I went, Yeah, I’…
  • Mon, 00:45: RT @ sumlokkei: peak anti-imperialist behaviour
  • Mon, 09:31: RT @ BerniceKing: Bloody Sunday was only 56 years ago.
  • Mon, 09:32: RT @ TheKingCenter: Bloody Sunday. A march to end voter suppression was met with brutality from the state...physical force in response to B…
  • Mon, 09:41: That's a shame. But there's always Ocean Park I guess. 🙄
  • Mon, 09:49: RT @ zeynep: This right here is another thing that's so terribly wrong and callous with blaming the victims... "Why didn't they stay home?"…
  • Mon, 09:51: RT @ meyerweb: What’s an NFT? Imagine if you could burn a half ton of coal and a small forest to print a “Certificate of Authenticity” for…
  • Mon, 10:01: RT @ dog_feelings: he did nothing wrong. that is none of his business. sleep tight sir


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