My tweets

Feb 27, 2021 12:00

  • Fri, 15:15: RT @ krislc: As Beijing stopped recognising the British National (Overseas) passport, and more and more are applying for the BN(O) visa to t…
  • Fri, 15:28: RT @ maryhui: Yes, it hurts every day.
  • Fri, 15:48: RT @ alvinllum: Chugani strikes again on RTHK saga. "At the top of the leadership chain is [Carrie] Lam...If anyone has performed poorly, it…
  • Fri, 15:48: RT @ tomgrundy: 1/ CUHK will stop collecting fees for the student union, stop providing venues for activities, withhold admin support, suspe…
  • Fri, 20:35: Pretty much all the 70s live action Disney films with either Kurt Russell or Herbie. Some critics liked them, but they were about as uncool as you could get at the time, even with kids at my school. So of course I loved them "Now You See Him, Now You Don't" is a particular fave
  • Fri, 21:21: RT @ chessninja: He's wearing shorts so you can see the golden calves.
  • Fri, 21:24: RT @ gabbrobasalt: If anyone needs a reminder why mylar balloons are bad and where they often end up in the environment, here's a tangled me…
  • Fri, 23:15: RT @ JoyceWhiteVance: So, McConnell now says the man he acknowledged on the Senate floor was practically & morally responsible for insurrect…
  • Fri, 23:19: RT @ XinqiSu: #BREAKING A number of the 55 pro-democracy activists arrested on 6 and 7 Jan for “subversion” by joining an unofficial primary…
  • Fri, 23:22: RT @ daveweigel: 38 minutes into the CPAC program, a Judicial Watch ad on the big screen talks about how it's "holding Hillary Clinton accou…
  • Fri, 23:22: RT @ DrPhilGoff: Nine years. It’s been 9 years since George Zimmerman, a wannabe cop, stalked and killed a Black teenager returning home fr…
  • Fri, 23:34: RT @ OwenJones84: During World War II, when Winston Churchill was Prime Minister, the effective top rate of tax reached *98%*. Could the pe…
  • Sat, 09:04: RT @ pakwayne: Scoop: Hong Kong is a critical outpost for many NGOs that don’t dare operate in the mainland and want to work freely without…
  • Sat, 09:10: All decent conspiracy theories have a pivot strategy.
  • Sat, 10:38: RT @ engadget: Streaming music made up 83 percent of the record industry's revenue in 2020
  • Sat, 10:40: RT @ voxdotcom: 33% of Americans incarcerated for drug crimes are Black, but only about 5% of drug users are Black, according to the @ NAACP.…
  • Sat, 10:41: RT @ ella_nilsen: "We are sick and we are dying." Per the National Black Environmental Justice Network, Black Americans in 19 states are 7…
  • Sat, 10:41: RT @ dabeard: Erasing any doubt, a US intelligence report showed that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the operation…
  • Sat, 10:42: RT @ kylegriffin1: Donald Trump lives at a country club.

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