My tweets

Jan 16, 2021 12:00

  • Fri, 14:37: RT @ PreetBharara: Joe Biden will never tweet “covfefe”
  • Fri, 14:40: Old enough to remember NRATV promising exactly that and urging viewers to arm themselves to fight the liberal Antifa menace.
  • Fri, 14:45: RT @ CarlosHappyNPO: Christian nationalism will use the Bible to push for war when it wants to fight ... and then use the Bible to push for…
  • Fri, 15:07: Exactly. After everything else he's done, *this* is what risks tarnishing their brand? Also worth pondering if they would have kept supporting him if his self-coup had actually worked.
  • Fri, 19:17: RT @ TheRickWilson: Antifffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaa
  • Fri, 19:22: RT @ JimMFelton: Very rare to see a tweet age badly twice
  • Fri, 19:23: RT @ BBCWorld: Sylvain Sylvain, guitarist with 1970s rock band New York Dolls, dies aged 69
  • Fri, 19:54: RT @ caffein8ed_kev: Stop justifying modern day human rights violations with past human right violations. It's ridiculous to see a grown ass…
  • Fri, 20:02: RT @ michaelcarey191: A thoughtful analysis in The Atlantic of the current situation re Trump - the mostly craven/cynical Republican respons…
  • Fri, 20:24: RT @ tomgrundy: The case is the third in recent months after two teachers were sacked earlier. As well as losing their jobs, deregistered t…
  • Fri, 20:27: Come for the tweet, stay for the comments
  • Fri, 20:28: RT @ MuthoniK20: I’m still laughing at the fact that Tik Tok banned Tr*mp before he could ban Tik Tok 😭😭😭
  • Sat, 00:19: If the HK police actually think this will help their reputation, then they clearly have no idea why their reputation is so bad to begin with. Or maybe it depends on their intended target audience, because I sincerely doubt they're trying to win over the yellow camp with these.
  • Sat, 00:19: RT @ textually: Surveillance systems in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin have been updated to detect bus, taxi, and ride-hailing drivers…
  • Sat, 00:21: RT @ bradheath: NEW from @ Reuters: Federal prosecutors have offered an ominous new assessment of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol last…
  • Sat, 00:25: RT @ mattzarb: Welcome to the latest instalment of Leftists Being Ridiculed For Advocating Something That Turns Out To Have Been The Optimum…
  • Sat, 00:26: RT @ nycsouthpaw: Remember when Bill Barr abruptly let this dude go so that Mexico could purportedly take the first crack at prosecuting him…
  • Sat, 00:28: RT @ charlesmok: Great reason for turning off camera on video calls! Turning video off during Zoom calls found to lower emissions by 96 per…
  • Sat, 00:29: RT @ chrissteinplays: Syl by Tom Hearn
  • Sat, 00:36: RT @ Reuters: Hong Kong civil servants given four weeks to pledge loyalty to the government
  • Sat, 08:45: RT @ suelinwong: Yellow masks are now one of the only visible signs of resistance to growing authoritarianism in Hong Kong. This week, I loo…
  • Sat, 09:09: RT @ zeynep: This is what I keep hearing. This is no way to carry out a fair or equitable process. We got to go to people, make it easy.
  • Sat, 09:15: RT @ voxdotcom: It’s tempting to think of the storming of the US Capitol on Wednesday as toxic masculinity run amok. But that obscures a cr…
  • Sat, 09:17: Welp.
  • Sat, 09:18: RT @ snopes: The claim is that at Obama's behest, a Rome-based aerospace company beamed instructions via satellite to servers in Germany to…
  • Sat, 09:26: RT @ MichaelMechanic: Thread: You can't say @ MotherJones didn't warn you in advance that domestic extremism and white supremacy were bubblin…
  • Sat, 09:35: RT @ joshtpm: It appears to be a completely solid headline that on his last Friday in office the President is planning a new coup plot in le…
  • Sat, 11:26: RT @ PrzemekHenzel: @ DavidCornDC Officer: Sir, why are you carrying pillows? Because I’m resisting a rest.


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