My tweets

Dec 16, 2020 12:00

  • Tue, 13:38: RT @ bader_diedrich: If 2020 were a pitch and it gets to the end where the vaccine is given on the day the electoral college votes *execut…
  • Tue, 13:39: RT @ rthk_enews: Prosecutors say they were unable to act because the alleged acts happened in Chinese territory, and China is not a signator…
  • Tue, 13:42: And somehow according to the HK govt this is NOT the future of Hong Kong, we totally have press freedom and whoever says otherwise is reporting fake news which we will soon outlaw so it's like totally press freedom for legitimate non lawbreaking press so we're not lying see wait
  • Tue, 13:44: RT @ voxdotcom: Sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo raise new questions about his career's future - but also the overall…
  • Tue, 13:44: RT @ rthk_enews: The Consumer Council says after seeing a surge in complaints about online supermarkets in #HongKong it's found a range of p…
  • Tue, 13:49: RT @ ShibaniMahtani: Rare joint statement from 7 Asia-based foreign correspondents club, condemning the detention of @ business 's Haze Fan.…
  • Tue, 13:54: RT @ scalzi: Well, this is good news.
  • Tue, 13:58: RT @ rachel: this is the best action film of the year
  • Tue, 14:05: RT @ hkfp: [Recap] Secretive deal allowing Chinese officials to enter Switzerland to interrogate Chinese nationals put dissidents at risk, N…
  • Tue, 15:16: RT @ GammaCounter: "Communist Cauldron" sounds like a 1981 junior-high "punk band" cosplay act.
  • Wed, 00:58: Given the footage we've already seen, I don't think this will go the way they think it will.
  • Wed, 01:02: RT @ sharonyamsy: The latest episode of RTHK's Hong Kong Connection exposes the injustice of the Castle Peak Bay Detention Center, featuring…
  • Wed, 09:31: RT @ antd: Institution-by-institution, Beijing is remaking HK. This week: the civil service.

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