Sep 20, 2020 19:54

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is gone. I have thoughts:

1. I’ve always been amazed and impressed at how RBG became an icon for so many people in the sense that I can’t think of any other Supreme in my lifetime that had a fanbase like hers. Granted, that’s largely to do with the fact that she built up her rep as a champion of gender equality and human rights well before she made it to the SCOTUS bench. Still, it’s hard to imagine people getting this stoked over, say, Samuel Alito or Clarence Thomas.

Or even Sandra Day O’Connor, who famously was the first woman ever to make Team SCOTUS. I remember what a big deal it was when her nomination was confirmed, and there’s no doubt she paved the way for RBG, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. And if you believe her biographer, she did more to protect abortion rights than she generally gets credit for. But she doesn't get nearly the love and adoration that RBG gets.

I'm not entirely sure why this is - though I would put good money on the likelihood that social media has something to do with it. RBG was nothing if not meme-able, especially as she seemed to become increasingly indestructible in her old age. (Also, you know you've made it when you become a recurring character on SNL.)

It's also possible the growing urgency of gender issues as the Christian Right (and their mission to overturn Roe v Wade at any cost) grew more powerful also made her presence on the bench more important, especially with the left/right balance of SCOTUS shifting in favor of the right.

Whatever the case, I don’t think we’re going to see a Supreme this famous or beloved for a long time yet - certainly not if Trump gets another four years.

2. I’ve also found it amusing that her nickname is based on a gangsta rapper that (I would presume) at least some RBG fans may not be fans of, or even have heard any of his songs. I could be projecting there. But we do live in an age where people wear concert t-shirts of bands they have never seen live or even listen to, so, you know.

Anyway, great nickname.

3. As for what happens next, that’s a whole other post and it’s going to take me a little time to get that written - and it seems that particular story is fast-moving. So I’m gonna need a little time on that.

Superstar (that’s what you are),

This is dF
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