Aug 23, 2020 16:46

As you may know, the US Postal Service is in big big trouble - thanks largely to the guy who’s running it and the guy who appointed him.

And we all know why.

It’s actually one of several ways that Trump and the GOP are going out of their way to make it as hard to vote as possible - unless you think COVID-19 is a hoax or just another flu, in which case it will be as easy as it always is.

Guess which party this dynamic happens to favour.

FiveThirtyEight lists five ways TrumpCo is undermining the election process, and they fall into two basic categories: (1) making it harder to vote in general, and (2) pre-emptively delegitimizing the results in case Trump loses (which, according to current polling, he might).

For me, the latter is the more insidious of the two, and goes to the heart of Trump’s war on USPS. He’s been constantly labeling mail-in voting as susceptible to massive voter fraud (which it's not) whilst claiming the Democrats are actively planning to do just that (which they aren't). If millions of mail-in ballots arrive late, or even on Election Day, we won’t know the results for weeks, and you can bet Trump will exploit the ensuing uncertainty and chaos to simultaneously declare himself the winner and that any other result is due to the Radical Left Antifa Demos trying to steal the election. And you can also bet the MAGA cult won't take that calmly.

The Demos have been mobilizing to encourage people to plan their vote now, and they’ve been creating various alternative options to bypass the USPS such as drop boxes and curbside voting - and of course Team Trump is resorting to lawsuits to stop them.

But again, the USPS is just one part of a bigger push by Trump and the GOP to not only limit voting as much as possible, but ensure that the 40% of people who support Trump will refuse to accept any outcome that doesn’t result in him winning another term.

And to be clear, Trump isn't doing this all by himself - the GOP is fully complicit in this, whether they simply do nothing to stop him or actively help him (for example, here’s the GOP governor of Tennessee Bill Lee signing a state bill that says anyone who gets busted at a BLM protest will lose the right to vote).

Meanwhile, for fun, here’s a video of Trump telling people mail-in voting is bad whilst signing his own mail-in ballot.

Your cheatin’ heart,

This is dF
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i wanna be elected, kingdom of fear, trump dynasty, ministry of batshit

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