Aug 17, 2020 23:55

ITEM: Joe Biden has selected his Veep.

In my opinion, he has chosen well - not least because it’s encouraging Tucker Carlson to make an even bigger fool of himself than usual.

However, I know people who are very unhappy with Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris.

Most of the reasons I’ve heard fall into the usual categories: sour grapes, DNC conspiracy theories and/or the fact that neither Biden nor Harris tick nearly enough of their ideological boxes, or have at some point in their careers done or said things that are ideologically blasphemous, or atavistic, or whatever.

And … well, look, I don’t know what to tell you.

And you know, Biden wasn’t my first choice either - not by a long shot. Harris was in my Top 3, and if it were up to me, I’d just as soon she switch places with Joe on the ticket. Or I’d keep her where she is and replace Biden with Elizabeth Warren.

But Biden/Harris is what we’ve got to work with, and looking at the alternative choice in 2020, I personally will vote for a Biden/Harris ticket so hard I might accidentally break the machine.

For the progressives seething that they’re being forced by the DNC to support politicians instead of the activists they wanted, I’ve already posted some thoughts about that here. I don’t have much to add to it.

As for the obvious question - “Is it a winning combination?” - I don’t know.

On the one hand, Biden has built up a good lead in the polls as Trump keeps digging himself into a deeper hole - and picking Harris seems to have helped - but then Hillary had a decent lead on Trump too. Between that and Trump’s war on the USPS (to say nothing of the Russians), I am taking nothing for granted.

Toot toot hey veep veep,

This is dF
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i wanna be elected, kingdom of fear, trump dynasty, do the propaganda

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