Jun 07, 2020 14:58

I am attending a media event hosted by Kristin Hersh of Throwing Muses. It’s an annual thing that I have attended before, and she remembers me. She says that this year she is starting an online cookie business, featuring different kinds of cookies that she baked herself from family recipes, as well as some she invented herself. She brings out a sample platter for us to try. I get one with an oatmeal base topped with pineapple, crème and candied maraschino cherries. It’s pretty tasty.

Later Kristin meets me in a hotel room for an interview. I’m trying to get my MP3 recorder ready, but it’s full because I left it running during a Sparks documentary. I’m trying to figure out how to delete the file so I can record Kristin’s interview. In the meantime we make small talk about past events and how things are going generally.

At some point we are interrupted by a Nazi Gestapo officer, who shows up unannounced for a surprise inspection of the room, which is when I become aware of the dream’s overall context: we are in either Nazi Germany or some Nazi-occupied country. The officer is all mock politeness, and we go along with it. This is his regular beat, so we’ve dealt with him before, and we know his routine - he’ll do a Columbo, pretending he’s done then coming back almost immediately for one or two additional questions.

After he’s gone, we wrap up the interview and prepare to leave the hotel. This requires changing into traveling clothes, which we do. As I pack, I come across a Kindle wrapped in a nice red leather case - Kristin gave it to me at last year’s event. She’s pleased I still have it because it means I found it useful.

Outside the hotel, we wait for our ride, which turns out to be Kristin’s husband. He is well dressed with a luxuriant black beard. He shows us two kinds of local sausages, and tries to explain the difference between them. This is not easy because both have thick red casings, and the insides look very similar when you cut them in half.

We get in his car and go. We are immediately pursued by SS ninjas riding black motorcycles and dressed in black uniforms and helmets. They chase us moto-cross style, hopping around on either side of the road. Luckily, they are caught by traffic cops and arrested for dangerous driving. So it turns out we’re not in Nazi Germany after all - we’re just being hounded by Nazis who don’t know the war is over.

We arrive at another hotel and go to a large outer deck in the rear that overlooks the mountains. The view is spoiled by Mike Huckabee, who is there giving a lecture on Obama. Kristin gets really irritated by him, but I advise her to keep calm - he’s not worth the emotional energy and he’ll never be president, so don’t worry about him.

Apparently Huckabee overhears my comment, because he directs his attention to me. He comes over to me and says, “I’ve noticed the way you’ve been rubbing yr neck.”

“I slept on it wrong,” I reply.

“I’m a doctor, you know,” he says. “I can fix that with a Heimlich maneuver.”

“Forget it,” I say. I’m not sure about his doctor credentials, but I don’t trust him to put me in a headlock, or whatever he has in mind.

And then I woke up.

Hands off,

This is dF This entry was originally posted at https://defrog.dreamwidth.org/1644468.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

pop culture will eat itself, dream baby

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