My tweets

May 02, 2020 12:00

  • Sat, 11:42: RT @ ryanstruyk: Reported US coronavirus deaths 9 weeks ago: 0 deaths 8 weeks ago: 17 deaths 7 weeks ago: 49 deaths 6 weeks ago: 249 deaths…
  • Sat, 11:44: RT @ moodvintage: The beautiful tomb of Jules Verne (1828-1905) can be found in the Cimetière de la Madeleine in Amiens, France. Sculptor…
  • Sat, 11:46: MUCH better.
  • Sat, 11:53: RT @ scalzi: When your Red Dawn cosplay team is waiting for Tim's mom to pick you up in her station wagon so you can all go get Blizzards at…
  • Sat, 11:54: RT @ xeni: 'I will never lie to you,' Trump's new Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany lies [VIDEO]
  • Sat, 11:59: RT @ pecunium: Do you know why the "preppers" are losing their shit? Because this wasn't the apocalypse they were promised. They were prom…

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