My tweets

Feb 11, 2018 12:00

  • Sat, 12:31: RT @ brianbeutler: So, what he’s saying-hear me out-is that not standing up during a ceremonial event is one way to protest something unrela…
  • Sat, 12:34: RT @ Caissie: Saw a girl in a Ramones shirt & asked her to name her five favorite songs & she just looked at me & said nothing. Then her mom…
  • Sat, 12:36: RT @ juliaferraioli: It is absurd that people have to crowdfund: * Healthcare * Food * School supplies * Burial costs * Science * Legal rep…
  • Sat, 12:38: Looking forward to the inevitable Trump jokes.
  • Sat, 13:13: RT @ johnmoe: I wish "I Can't Drive 55" was part of a whole concept album about simple tasks that Sammy Hagar is incapable of performing. Ot…
  • Sat, 13:14: RT @ daytonward: Captain's Log: Using the lightspeed breakaway factor, the Enterprise has moved back through time to the twenty-first centur…
  • Sat, 13:14: RT @ JasonKander: The Vice President doesn’t get it. Hostile nations briefly setting aside their hostilities to compete in sport is the whol…
  • Sat, 16:02: RT @ MuppetGuysTalk: The documentary "Muppet Guys Talking" is about so much more than the Muppet characters. On March 16 we’ll share with yo…
  • Sat, 19:11: RT @ veggiegirlrose: @ TheAuthorGuy #WhiteHouseWifeBeaters should be the name of their work softball team.
  • Sat, 19:12: RT @ ClaraJeffery: If you are the one who is molested or raped, it doesn't make what happened to you any less valid or horrible because you'…

#whitehousewifebeaters, twitter

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