Feb 03, 2018 12:35

I didn’t watch it, no.

Although that’s not a political statement in itself. Many liberals were calling for a boycott to lower Trump’s ratings, which is as fine a goal as any. But the thing is that I generally don’t watch SOTU speeches anyway. I’m happy to wait for the highlights reel and executive summary from various news outlets. And they’re really more for the base - sort of like how business press releases aren’t for the press, they’re for the shareholders.

And anyway, it doesn’t matter how low Trump’s first SOTU ratings were because Trump lives in TrumpWorld where his ratings are always the highest of any POTUS ever, and anyone who says otherwise is fake news.

(On the subject of ratings, the numbers do indicate that Trump’s first SOTU ratings were pretty low, but as some have pointed out, those numbers doesn’t include streaming video. So maybe if you factor those in, he might rank higher. The point is, Trump doesn't know that, he just assumes his ratings are the highest ever because why wouldn’t they be?)

Also, as I understand it, Trump’s speech went pretty much the way I expected it to go - he spent most of the time talking about himself, how great his Presidency is, and how America’s only serious problems are ISIS, North Korea and immigrants. Most of what he said about all of the above was inaccurate, exaggerated or flat-out fiction. And he didn’t offer any concrete plans to solve any of those problems.

Ho hum.

It basically sounds like any other Big Speech Trump has made, except that he managed to stay mostly on script and didn’t spend most of it bashing Hillary and CNN. Which I guess is an accomplishment by Trump standards, but in the context of everything else (Russia, Nazis, the FBI, Puerto Rico, golf, porn star payoffs, 3am Twitter rants, the list goes on) it doesn't really count for much.

Not with me, anyway. I’m sure plenty of Republicans feel otherwise. That’s to be expected.

And that’s why I didn't watch the SOTU. The end.

Switched off,

This is dF
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