Aug 07, 2015 17:16

But I did enjoy the highlights reel.

image Click to view

image Click to view

Hey, I’d have watched if I’d known there’d be pie.

But seriously …

Who won?

Who cares?

If you go by media reports, the results are all over the place. By some accounts, Carly Fiorina did better in the second-tier warm-up debate than any of the candidates who made the prime-time cut.

Otherwise, the main things we learned are as follows:

1. Trump is going to continue with his Trumpasaurus schtick.

2. No one else is really capable of successfully copying Trump’s double-down-on-batshit strategy.

3. Ben Carson will be the first president to have separated Siamese twins.

4. The role of the military is to kill people and break things, which transgenders are apparently incapable of doing, according to Mike Huckabee, who knows these things.

5. Chris Christie probably never should have hugged Obama.

6. No one knew Scott Walker was there until he made a Hillary joke.

7. John Kasich is going to be this season’s Jon Huntsman - the relatively reasonable moderate with the great resumé who has pretty much no chance of winning so much as a primary.

None of which matters at street level, since - like every other debate - everyone will come away from it thinking their candidate won (and I'm including Bernie and Hillary supporters here). And it’s going to take a while longer for the herd to start thinning out. So the debate was really just the pilot episode for Trump’s weird new reality show.

Carry on Trumping,

This is dF
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i wanna be elected, kingdom of fear, ministry of batshit

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