Jun 19, 2015 10:48

I am living in a world where the zombie outbreak has happened. KT and I are traveling with a small group of people, going from town to town, looking for a good place to settle down. Along the way we encounter other groups of people, at which point we have to decide whether they’re trustworthy enough to join our group. We generally leave it to our dog Bonbon - if she likes them, they can join. (As I said, it's a small group.)

At some point we end up on a small island that resembles a small village in Taipa or Coloane. It is already populated, and has a small but functional economy. It is completely unaffected by the zombie outbreak, and some of us think it’s a good place to settle in, because zombies can’t swim or take boats. Others say it’s the equivalent of a fire trap - if an infected human or animal ever makes it to the island, the outbreak will happen fast because it’s a tiny island with only one pier, so an evacuation would be a mad and likely fruitless scramble for survival.

In any case, we're here, so we stay the night at a small hotel on a hill at the top of the island. I wander around and I notice that I can see most of the island’s coast from there. The hotel is basic, but comfortable. The most interesting feature is a “long dinner” buffet, which starts at noon and ends at 9pm. So you can eat, leave and come back pretty much all day, whenever you like.

Everyone else wants to eat, but I want to walk around the island some more and kick around. I try to decide where to go and how long it will take me to get back so I can meet the others later.

And then I woke up.

NOTE: I didn’t encounter one zombie in the entire dream.

Safe as milk,

This is dF
This entry was originally posted at http://defrog.dreamwidth.org/1527870.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

i walked with a zombie, dream baby

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