I haven’t actually started on this series yet, but this is low hanging fruit, so I might as well get it out of the way.
I didn’t watch very much TV while I was in the states. But when I did, I got an earful about the Ebola. Even the front page of the Maryville newspaper had Ebola all over it.
People are terrified of the Ebola in America. And by “people” I mean “politicians and media pundits”. At street level I didn’t meet anyone who seemed overly concerned about it.
Still, you know, EBOLAPOCALYPSE.
Obviously there is a lot of debate about what to do about it. One idea is travel bans on people who have been in countries where the Ebola is happening.
I don’t have any wisdom, but I do have
this post from Vox about why travel bans and airport screening are pretty useless as actual security measures go. And as someone who lived near Ground Zero of the SARS epidemic 11 years ago, I can tell you the article makes some good points.
So naturally govts are going to impose travel bans anyway. If the
national freakout over Kaci Hickox is any indication, it’s probably going to happen in the US sooner or later.
Turn yr head and cough,
This is dF
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