Just another Manic Monday

Jun 28, 2010 00:58

So I had an amazing weekend... for the first time in a long time. It left me feeling almost manic. Euphoric... to the point where I wonder if it's problematic. Isn't that sad. I haven't felt this good in such a long time that it feels almost wrong. Umm yeah, I'm messed up. Don't rub it in ;)

I spent the weekend with my friends in Huntsville. I just made dinner (and it was amazing... I really miss cooking). I had champagne. I saw a movie. I went shopping. I went swimming. I laid in the sun. I stayed up talking with the girls. It was just everything summer should be. Smiling. Happiness.

I hadn't had that all summer. I am so thankful for this weekend.

Plus, I found out something a little interesting. Though, I already had my suspicions, but it's good to be right. hahaha. Plus, it's flattering.

I like how I still write in this journal like I'm some sort of teenager... geez. haha. Oh well. I've always written things down. Why stop now?

P.S. I hate working. It sucks. I'd rather be out doing something than stuck at home, typing on a computer. Cest le vie. It's money.
So I know I don't do much but bitch about my life and optometry school, which I guess makes sense since most of my life is optometry school... BUT I just have to say one more thing about it... Well, maybe two.

1) Clinic is over for this summer! I've never been so happy to be done with something in my entire life. I can finally have a little free time. I can finally have a little less stress. I can finally work at Floore's and make a little extra money. I can finally go to Alaska. I can finally spend a night of leisure. I can finally work full-time. I can finally hang out with my loved ones.

2) Not only is clinic over, but I did excellent. In fact, I earned not one but TWO letters of excellence... which, aren't easy to come by, especially with the attendings I had. At any rate, I didn't share the news with everyone (and I'm sure relatively no one reads this journal so to me, it's still me being somewhat modest and private... although, I know this is a public journal... and I'm rambling). Anyway, it made my week last week. It made my summer really... and I don't care how sad that is. haha. It feels really good to know that I'm on the right track to becoming an awesome eye doctor.

Moving on from that, my friend Jen and I are thinking of going to Germany or some other fantastic place in November. Yes, I'm excited. You should be too :) We'll see what happens. I'm stoked though. I'm dying to go back to Europe. Really, I'm dying to go anywhere. I cannot wait for my trip to Alaska. AHHHH!!

Well, I suppose that is enough of this teenage rambling. I hope all of you are having a pleasant summer. Lord knows, mine's looking up!

It's about time!!!


P.S. I love using "p.s." too much.... AND I love Texas Country Music... well some of it. :)

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