Tomatoes... at 4am.

Aug 15, 2009 04:10

So it's 4am and since there's not much to do at 4am and I am incredibly awake, I figured I would write a blog or two (since I promised some last time).

So "tomatoes" is my new expression of dislike. Anytime I encounter a situation I don't like, I'm just going to start exclaiming, "tomatoes." Why? My inspiration comes from the following email I wrote a few months ago:

Anyway, I replied to one of your emails by saying, "tomatoes'" because initially I was thinking I would put tomato, tomato (pronounced: toe-mah-toe), but I soon realized it would be spelled the same and hence, you would read it (toe-mate-toe, toe-mate-toe), which wouldn't have made a lot of sense. Shortly after this disappointment, I realized, I could just make, "tomatoes," my new exclamation word. After all, you hate tomatoes, and dare I say, you think they are crap. Ergo, by exclaiming, "tomatoes," I'm really yelling, "crap."

For example: This job is tomatoes.

Random? Yes. You shouldn't expect any less from me. :0) At any rate, I implore you: Please start using random words to express your discontent.

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