So I got an iPhone (finally) and there's this awesome lj app!!!
Right now I'm waiting for my friends mom to leave so we can hang out. Kind of high school but she's a lesbian and her parents are those psycho Christian types so yeah.
I'm kind of excited to have a new group of friends but I think how things ended with my other group is ridiculous. It was such a mess. I don't even know if I want to talk about it anymore but yeah. It hurts a lot.
There's so much I haven't told you that it would be hard to sit here and play catch up.
Guess ill try though.
Well so my nerdy college friends have this get together every year at one of their moms homes in cold water. I dated their cousin until June when he randomly dumped me.
My friend from high school posted a pic of a hot guy with a baby animal and I said "animal guys are the best" and she agreed, of course! So I went on to say, "we'll if you know of any, send them my way in a couple months."
August 3rd, enter Marcus. The love of my life. How did I not realize love could be. Like this???? Wow. He is just .... He's perfect. He's so perfect it actually freaks me out lol.
Gotta go, mom left finally.
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LiveJournal app for iPhone.