Feb 08, 2005 15:53
hey. so this weekend turned out to be pretty good. to see what happened friday see previous post. on saturday i ended up going to ashley's house. she picked me up at 9:30 i was suprised to see her in the drivers seat because i thought her dad was the one picking me up. me and ash pretty much just chillen. ashley kicked her dad out so we could watch tv and smoke cigarettes. we, well i should say i, went to bed around 12, i thought ashley was too but i guess she ended up going to be around 2. ashley said i was jumping in my sleep haha. i ended up waking up at 8, got all dressed and ready and then tickled ashley's feet to wake her up around 9. we were supposed to go to breakfast at 11 but there was an accident that delayed us. we got to the i-84 diner around 11:30. then maura and sara came. afterwards, maura left and sara came with me and ashley, and sara drove =) we stopped into cvs to say hi to danielle barcia because she works there. we went back to ashley's and me and ashley drank some hyptoniq, then we went out to a&p sara drove there too, we just bought some chocolate<33. then we went back to cvs to pick up danielle and she said she had to go back to her house and change. well after 20 mintutes of waiting (haha) we went back to ashley's house. later on cassie and ryder came, then we started to watch the superbowl. then jeff and nick came. i left around 8:30 cause i had to get home and get ready for bed =) my dad came home yesterday morning. i missed him. he brought me, my sisters, and my mom betty-boop shirts, plain shirts that say las vegas and get chains. yesterday was also my little sister mary's birthday. my grandma came up to celebrate mary's birthday, we had cake and all that good stuff, so yesterday was a pretty good day. today was a good day also, it was pretty relaxed. alright well i gotta go because both my sisters are asking to use to phone. later<333