I'm not in the mood for anything...I'm just trying to cope here...so this should last you a few days

Oct 09, 2004 13:39

1. Name: Rebecca
2. Were you named after anyone:Lauren(My middle name)comes from my mom(Laura)
3. Month you were born: July
4. What is your zodiac sign: Cancer
5. Hair color: Naturually dark brown
6. Eye color: Dark brown
7. Height: about 5'6
8. Shoe Size: 9 1/2...10
9. Do you wear glasses: Contacts
10. Do you have braces/retainer: I have before
11. Ever been in the hospital: Yes..*Cries*
12. If so, why: Once when I was born, again when I was attacked by a dog.
13. What is your favorite color: Purple
14. What is your favorite food: I love all food.
15. What is your favorite tv show: Degrassi
16. What is your favorite song at the moment: Dashboard Confessional_"Hands Down"_
17. Who is your favorite singer: I can't just pick one...it's impossible
18. Do you believe in God: No
19. Do you believe in heaven: No
20. Do you believe in hell: No
21. Do you believe in angels: No, well other then the fact that I am one.  LoL
22. Do you believe in ghosts: Yes
23. Do you believe in aliens: I believe alot of people look like them...but no
24. Do you believe in miracles: Depends on my mood at the time actually.
25. Do you pray daily: No
26. Favorite candy bar: Hersheys
27. Favorite kool-aid flavor: Tropical bunch
28. Favorite flower: A purple one
29. Favorite gum: Green
30. Favorite movie: The Notebook :.{
31. Who is your best friend(s): I don't label that.
32. Do you got a guy: I once had the best guy.
33. Do you have any siblings: Jeremy(17) and K8e(10)
34. Who knows you the best: Me...sometimes
35. Do you have any bad habits: Eating way to much.
36. What are you wearing right now: Messed up hair, make up from last night, a purple and white top, blue jeans with a like plaid belt, Purple bra, purple boy breifs, and toe nail polish.
37. Who is the last person you yelled at: K8e
38. What's you favorite word: SkankHoe
39. Do you know any other languages, besides English: A little bit of Spanish.
40. Do you have any body piercings: I have had alot of things pierced...but I can't ever keep them...I'm all allergic
41. What's your favorite fruit: Grapes....purple ones...
42. Fruit juice: Cranberry apple
43. Jello flavor: Green
44. Vegatable: Is tomatoe a vegatable?
45. Pizza topping: Pinapple and bacon
46. Hamburger or Hotdog: Hamburger
47. Walk or run:  Walk
48. Sit or Stand: Sit
49. Hug or kiss: Depends on who you are.
50. Mashed or baked: Baked
51. Fried or scrammbled: I hate eggs
52. With socks or without: With (Toe socks)
53. Country or Pop: Neither?
54. Faith or Shania: Faith (Can you say hot?)
55. Enrique or Justin: Justin
56. Britney or Christina: More like sexy or slutty...I go with Britney.
57. High dive or low dive: High
58. Coke or Pepsi: Coke
59. Short skirt or short shorts: short skirt
60. Pick your nose or blow it: pick..LoL
61. Do you share your room with anyone: Yea...my other half...the messy one.
62. What do you normally eat for breakfast: I'm usually not awake for breakfast
63. What about for lunch: Anything and everything
64. What about dinner: Anything and everything
65. Have you ever eaten and eaten until you puked: Yes...
66. Who is your favorite cartoon character: Trent Lane from Daria
67. Do you still watch cartoons: Some of them.
68. What are you listening to right now: K8e doing Cheerleading shit.
69. Do you wake to an alarm clock: Nope..
70. What's your favorite doughnut: Glazed..with cream filling 
71. KFC: Fried Chicken with Hot honey mustard
72. Arby's: Roast beef samage with Arby's sause
73. McDonalds: EVERYTHING!
74. Taco Bell: Anything except soft shell tacos
75. Burger King: Chicken Samage, Onion rings, and a big coke.
76. Wendy's: The dollar menu is awesome...and a frosty.
77. Weinerschnitzel: What is that?
78. Red Lobster: OMG!  Everything.
79. Olive Garden: Bread and Salad
80. Sizzler: Is that a steak place?
81. Do you shower in the morning or evening: Depends..
82. What kind of soap do you use: Ivory
83. Do you reuse your towels: I hate to do that..but I have before.
84. How often do you brush your teeth: Atleast once a day
85. What kind of toothpaste do you use: Kids Crest..it's sparkly.
86. Do you floss: Sometimes..
87. Do you use mouthwash: Sometimes..
88. If so, what kind: Any kind we have
89. Do you enjoy your time in the bathroom: Hahaha..that is a funny question.
90. Do you use air freshner when you smell it up: Hahaha...
91. Favorite brand of clothing: Jeans?
92. Do you wear bikini, thong, briefs, or granny panties: Bikini, thongs, and briefs
93. Do you sleep nude: Sometimes
94. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: Yep.
95. What would you do if someone of the same sex came onto you: If they were good looking...come on to them right back.
96. Would you ever kiss your best friend: I have..
97. Have you had sex: Yes
98. If you have, was it all that: All that, just for the simple fact I knew I loved him...and still do. *Cries*
99. Have you gotten your first visit from Aunt Flo yet: Yes, unfortunatly
100. If so, do you use pads or tampons: Tampons
101. What do you want to do whene you grow up: Porno Director Hehe
102. Have you ever been out of the country: Nope
103. Have you ever been to Hawaii: Nope
104. Have you ever been to Alaska: Nope
105. Where is your favorite vacation spot: My bed..or the kitchen
106. What's your favorite scents (besides perfumes): Weed..LoL
107. What radio station to you listen to: 93x, 94.1, 99.7, 101.9, 107.5
108. Have you ever been in a car accident: Yes...2..so far.
109. Have you ever had stitches: Yes...alot.
110. Have you ever broken a bone: Other then toes..no.
111. What's the last movie you saw in a theater: Resident Evil: Apocalypse
112. What's the last concert you saw: Three Days Grace and Thornly
113. Who went with you: Shanley, Tim, Blake, Jessica, and Sarah
114. Was it a good concert: Yeah...other then the fact I got my lip busted and hit in the face a few times...It was cool.  Oh and I got gum but in my hair...cause I spit in Joe's face.  hahaha
115. Have you ever met anyone famous: Yes..alot of people.  That is what I get for living near Memphis....I love it.
116. Were you ever in Touched By An Angel: Ewwww...I don't want people I don't know touching me.  LoL. 
117. M&Ms- Plain or peanut: Peanut.
118. Milk- Plain or chocolate: Chocolate
119. Bread- white or wheat: White
120. Carrots- cooked or raw: Raw
121. Bacon- crispy or fatty: A little bit of both
122. Pencil or Pen: Both
123. Shower or bath: Shower
124. Walk to school or get a ride: Get a ride
125. Is cheerleading a sport: Not really..but then again I don't care.
126. Who is your favorite teacher: I hate School.
127. What is your favorite subject: I hate school
128. What's your favorite sundae topping: Pinapples
129. Did you have a blankie when you were little: A mini mouse one..yes.
130. Did you suck your thumb: No..I bite it.
131. How old were you when you first walked: Shit, I don't remember.
132. Do you like waterslides: YES!
133. Go carts: Hell fuckin' yeah.
134. Have you ever bungee jumped: No..but I would.
135. If you have, was it scary:___
136. If you haven't, would you:Yes!
137. Do you drink your soda from the can or pour it in a cup: Can
138. What's your favorite music video: I don't know..Haven't thought about it really.
139. Do you like canned fruit or fresh fruit better: Fresh *smiles*
140. How about veggies: Same
141. Do you like spinach:Yeah..I love spinach dip too.
142. What's your favorite salad dressing: Italian
143. Potato chips or corn chips: Potato
144. Are you double jointed: I don't think so
145. Do you crack your knuckles: Yes...but I call it popping.
146. Can you burp the ABCs: No..
147. How do you eat an oreo: With my mouth...sometimes with milk.
148. Favorite kind of soup: Potato
149. Do you watch Soaps: I use to
150. Can you wiggle your ears: No..
151. Can you curl your tongue: Yes
152. Can you tap your head and rub your tummy at the same time: Kinda..but I end up having messier hair then what I started with.
153. What are your fears: Being alone..mainly...but umm...Bugs, Some heights, publis bathrooms....and I hate feet and hair..but they aren't a fear.
154. What's your favorite flavor sno cone: Blue?
155. Do you plug your nose before you jump into water or hold your breath: Hold my breath
156. Ever made out in a movie theater: Hehehe..yeah
157. Have you ever stolen anything: Yes
158. How do you usually wear your hair: Messed the fuck up.
159. When was the last time you had a shot: A long time ago...I hate shots.
160. Are you afriad of needles: No
161. When was the last time you had the flu: Umm..Back in July...29th to be exact.
162. Would you ever get a tattoo: Yeah!
163. Are you homophopic: How could I be homophobic?  Duh.
164. Do you even know what homophobic is: Yeah...duh?
Where'd question 165 go?
166. Do you know of anyone who is gay: Duh?
167. Have you ever bleached your hair: In some places..
168. If so, what color: Blonde
169. Have you ever seen a live birth: No..I've been at one though.  LoL
170. Do you have any pets: Hobbs (Dog) Rhett, Boo, George (Cats)
171. What color are your fingernails: Clear?
172. Toenails: Clear?
173. Did you ever eat dog food when you were little: I ate cat food.
174. When was the last time you went to the doctor: I don't really remeber...I'm alwasy at the doctor for something.
175. The dentist: Shit...forever ago.
176. The eye doctor: less then a month ago
177. When was the last time you went on vacation: when I was like 11.
178. What's your favorite holiday: Christmas...
179. What's your favorite season: Winter
180. What's your favorite month(s): July..
181. What's your favorite number: 16
182. What's your favorite board game: I don't think I have one.
183. What time you usually go to bed: Depends on how tired I am.
184. Are you and emotional person: Yeah...you might say that.
185. Are you a leader or a follower: I don't really think I'm either.
186. Would you consider yourself easy to get along with: Only if you don't piss me off.
187. Do you write in a journal: naw...not me.
188. Do you attend church regularly: Hehehe...that's a joke right?
189. Do you have a birthmark: Yes...right by my belly button.
190. Do you bite your nails: Not anymore.
191. Do you wish on stars: What's the point?
192. What's the last dream you had:  A bad one that made me wake up crying.
193. Are you afraid of heights: Sometimes...
194. Have you ever smoked: Uh huh.
195. Drank alcohol: uh huh
196. Done drugs: uh huh
197. What time is it right now: 1:35
198. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: They are on my bed sometimes...But I don't really sleep with them.
199. Do you sleep with a light on: Only if I'm to tired to turn it off.
200. Say something nice to yourself: You're not a complete Loser!
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