
Jan 08, 2009 20:30

Some stuff in life is really pissing me off lately.  Like that we were told by Expedia back in March that we'd be able to book a flight any time within a year after canceling our flight because of the death of a good friend,and it'd be cool, and now we are told that NO, WE HAVE TO FLY WITHIN A YEAR OF BOOKING, NAMELY BY JANUARY 28TH.  Seriously, what the fuck?  If we were told that when we canceled, we would have made sure to use it.  We were NOT told that, and now we're being robbed of $800.  What the fuck, Expedia?  What the fuck, US Airways?  So, to anyone on here, don't use those fuckers if you're traveling anytime soon.  Or not soon.  Or ever.  We hates them, precious.  We're probably going to visit my sister in MT and Scott's bro in LA anyway, but that just sucks.

I'm getting a nice little buzz going on, thanks to Demon Dame leaving some Mouton Cadet Bordeaux 2006 over our house.  That's the best part of the day I spent home and feeling ickly from work.  I also managed to fit a bath/Supernatural viewing in there somewhere, thanks Mom for seasons 1 and 2 for Xmas :)

Oh, and we watched 'Wanted' last night.  I now want to be an assassin.  I could totally do that shit.  Everyone needs to go watch it.  It gave me a rush!

My Scooter is so cute.  He's randomly calling me Jammer Queen, and describing how he's learning to flip around on his skates from forwards to backwards.  He's also very scary when he's reaming people out about fucking us over.  I could killllllllll.........

I love my new Derby team.  Skyland Roller Girls are going to kick serious ass, and VERY fucking soon, at that.  We have multiple girls who have good jammer potential.  Now if only it could stop snowing/freezing raining every time we try to have a practice so they could all make it!!  ....and I'd love to see Mrs. Maccuswell show up, too ;)

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